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Image Comments posted by timinich

  1. I shot with a polarizing filter, then added a red filter in Photoshop. In this case, I don't think the polarizing filter did anything. And yes, this is where Kennedy was shot from. It's now a museum.



    Thanks for the comments, everyone. So with cropping, I think we have a few interesting choices. The original is the only one that keeps the "bigness" and "aloness", while being right in the middle of everything, which I think works well in this picture. Joe's crop is more symmetrical with the ceiling & moves the subject to the right, but I think I value the bigness more. I also think it adds to the movement look.

    Katie, did you suggest to move her more to the right than even in Joe's crop? If so, I'll post something, but it started looking weird to me.

    This was not a posed shot. She just happened to be standing there. I think that the ideal situation would have been to shoot from the exact middle, which would have kept the openess and by perspective moved the subject to the right. (She's not actually standing in the exact middle, she's just lined up that way due to where I'm shooting from).

    Joe, when you view the photo in large, I think that the statue on the right comes out more clearly.

    Thanks again everyone. Your comments helped me notice things that I didn't even see initially.



    Your comments reflect what I was going for, so thank you for that. It's actually not an HDR picture in the sense that it wasn't run through a program like Photomatix, but I did use some software that definitely gives it that effect.

  2. I agree with Rick; the DOF was perfect. The scene captured speaks a lot. B&W was a perfect choice here. I don't see a reason for color unless the colors provide something unique to the picture. I honestly think that you could try to sell some of the OCW pics to newspapers. They're that good.

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