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  1. <p>Papers have come a long way and most of the reviews I've found date back about four or five years. I'm wondering what the current state of the art is.</p>
  2. <p>When I visit your site my browser slows to a crawl.</p>
  3. <p>If you don't live in a drought region it's difficult to understand what "water conservation" really is. I didn't either till a friend and colleague shared some insight. At the time I didn't live in a drought region so it seemed a bit academic but it did raised my awareness and I looked deeper. It still requires a bit of educating oneself to acquire the level of awareness necessary to understand the severity of the situation when you find yourself in it. It's easy to put on blinders and just let the tap run.</p>
  4. <p>After reading <a href="http://lavidaleica.com/content/choosing-bw-film-developer">this</a> I decided to just use what I used when I was a kid. I'll buck up and mix up a batch o' chemistry from powders. However, I'm glad I asked and got some insight from you folks. I image this thread will be helpful to more than just me.</p> <p>Cheers.</p>
  5. <p>I'm leaning toward HC-110 due to the shelf life. I also looked at Ilford Rapid Fix but I'm going to be scanning the negatives so I'm looking for a hardening fixer.<br> I have heard before that water will do instead of a stop bath. I live in an extreme drought area, however, so I wonder how much water might be saved by using a stop bath.<br> No one has mentioned a liquid hypo clearing agent.<br> <br />Thanks for the replies thus far.</p>
  6. <p>I want to make things easy on myself this first time (in 20 years) out so I want to use all liquid concentrates to mix my working stock. Any suggestions?</p>
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