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Everything posted by pensacolaphoto

  1. <p>I will discuss the possibility of improving customer service, and I will suggest that Leica keeps the users informed of any developments in solving the sensor problems for the long term. These seem to be the two main issues that many Leica users are concerned about.</p> <p>Dieter: I don't know what Leica could do about this point, but it is a valid point.</p> <p>7. Leica has a special relationship with a niche market segment that is historically invested in old and new M mount lenses and has followed the company through and contributed to its transition to the digital age. Unfortunately, a significant portion of the users in this niche segment cannot afford products priced at the luxury-niche level. And many who do make the stretch are doing so with the idea of being able to use the camera for a longer period of time. This part of the market deserves a no-frills, reliable, moderately priced option that offers full M mount compatibility, full frame, at a premium over other non-RF products, but still at a price affordable for this loyal base. __________________</p>
  2. <p>I sometimes use the M9 at sports events, but it is difficult to take photos quickly back to back due to the long buffer times in the M9.</p>
  3. It is worthwhile mentioning this idea to Leica. There is not much to lose hee.
  4. <p>Add to the list above these two new points from someone in Europe:<br /><br />11. In some countries while there are Leica dealers. no service is available, so users need to mail their Leica cameras to Germany and then wait 4-6 weeks until the camera is returned. It would be helpful if Leica offers camera rentals for the waiting time.<br /><br />12. Customer service for email inquiries should be improved.</p>
  5. <p>I will chat with the CEO, and I will listen to what he has to say. This list gives me an idea of what many Leica users seem to expect from Leica, There may exist a mismatch of goals with expectations. I will email him the "list" before we chat so that he knows what some of the main concerns are (for many users).</p> <p>1. Leica should invest more in the post sales service instead of opening so many boutiques worldwide ! Another view is: I think the Leica boutique stores are an invaluable addition to the Leica culture. They support local Leica artists by giving them a space to showcase their work, they hold workshops, and last but not least you can walk in with or without your own camera and try any of the current products without any pressure to buy.<br /><br />2. Consider replacing the IR cover glass that is over the sensor with another type of cover (BG-18) that is less sensitive to humidity.Do this only for defective sensors,<br /><br />3. Be more consistent in deciding whether to charge or not charge for sensor issues repairs.<br /><br /><br />4. Stop the bargaining at the repair counter by giving a 5 years warranty on cameras as with lenses<br /><br />5. Don't ever stop making CCD based Digital cameras. This is a wish that may be difficult to satisfy.<br /><br />6. Make the upgrade from the M9 immediate, even if the sensor is working. Others suggest to replace only defective sensors.<br /><br />7. Leica has a special relationship with a niche market segment that is historically invested in old and new M mount lenses and has followed the company through and contributed to its transition to the digital age. Unfortunately, a significant portion of the users in this niche segment cannot afford products priced at the luxury-niche level. And many who do make the stretch are doing so with the idea of being able to use the camera for a longer period of time. This part of the market deserves a no-frills, reliable, moderately priced option that offers full M mount compatibility, full frame, at a premium over other non-RF products, but still at a price affordable for this loyal base.<br /><br />8. Leica's only chance for survival is to market to luxury/upscale demographics. Leica's brand must resonate with these demographics. Quality and excellence are crucial to maintain and enhance the brand image. <br /><br /><br />9. Leica is looking for new buyers, who will buy a body and four new lenses, and put 20k on their credit card in one day. But at the same time they want to keep referring to the history, and those collector/users, who were there long before the digital system was sold.</p> <p>10. The challenge for Leica is that digital products have a shorter time frame as they become obsolete. . Unfortunately many of the buyers are hoping that the Leica product does not become obsolete. The sensor issue puts Leica in a difficult position as it wants to repair the fault but does not want to pay for people to solve their digital obsolescence problem at Leica's expense.</p>
  6. Dieter, I was told by Leica customer service that I will not get reimbursed the $500 that I paid as labor cost to Leica NJ to replace the M9 sensor and board. I was never informed what the defect cause was. Was the sensor defective first or was it the board? Shouldn't a defective sensor be replaced free of charge? Leica left this issue up in the air by not explaining why my M9 had a faulty sensor
  7. <p>Dieter,<br> I have simply summarized what some people has suggested online. I understand your points.</p> <p>Raid</p> <p>1. Leica should invest more in the post sales service instead of opening so many boutiques worldwide ! <br /><br />2. Consider replacing the IR cover glass that is over the sensor with another type of cover (BG-18) that is less sensitive to humidity.Do this only for defective sensors,<br /><br />3. Be more consistent in deciding whether to charge or not charge for sensor issues repairs.<br /><br /><br />4. Stop the bargaining at the repair counter by giving a 5 years warranty on cameras as with lenses<br /><br />5. Don't ever stop making CCD based Digital cameras.<br /><br />6. Make the upgrade from the M9 immediate, even if the sensor is working. [if possible?]<br /><br />7. Leica has a special relationship with a niche market segment that is historically invested in old and new M mount lenses and has followed the company through and contributed to its transition to the digital age. Unfortunately, a significant portion of the users in this niche segment cannot afford products priced at the luxury-niche level. And many who do make the stretch are doing so with the idea of being able to use the camera for a longer period of time. This part of the market deserves a no-frills, reliable, moderately priced option that offers full M mount compatibility, full frame, at a premium over other non-RF products, but still at a price affordable for this loyal base. __________________</p>
  8. <p>DJ May: I hear you. I have added your point as Point #6 on my list.<br> I wonder how much we would have to pay to upgrade.</p>
  9. <p>I have this list so far:</p> <p>1. Leica should invest more in the post sales service instead of opening so many boutiques worldwide ! <br /><br />2. Consider replacing the IR cover glass that is over the sensor with another type of cover (BG-18) that is less sensitive to humidity.<br /><br />3. Be more consistent in deciding whether to charge or not charge for sensor issues repairs.<br /><br /><br />4. Stop the bargaining at the repair counter by giving a 5 years warranty on cameras as with lenses<br /><br />5. Don't ever stop making CCD based Digital cameras.<br> <br> 6. Make the upgrade from the M9 immediate, even if the sensor is working.<br> <br> </p>
  10. <p>"Habe einem Fahler gemacht," is also known as "Ich habe Mist gebaut"!<br> In German, MIST should not be confused with MISSED. They mean different things. :)</p>
  11. <p>1. Leica should invest more in the post sales service instead of opening so many boutiques worldwide ! <br /><br />2. Consider replacing the IR cover glass that is over the sensor with another type of cover (BG-18) that is less sensitive to humidity.<br /><br />3. Be more consistent in deciding whether to charge or not charge for sensor issues repairs.<br /><br /><br />4. Stop the bargaining at the repair counter by giving a 5 years warranty on cameras as with lenses<br> <br> 5. Discussions on fair distribution of costs, responsibility and spesific time limits seems to be called for.<br> 6. IF through specs, literature study+deduction and their lab tests, Leitz could and should have known that the spots would have developed, then they should replace or repair free of cost throughout a reasonable lifetime for the product. </p>
  12. <p>DJ May: Thanks for the clarification. What type of upgrade is it exactly? You will get an M240? </p>
  13. <p>So far, I have these points:<br />1. Leica should invest more in the post sales service instead of opening so many boutiques worldwide ! <br />2. Consider replacing the IR cover glass that is over the sensor with another type of cover (BG-18) that is less sensitive to humidity.<br />3. Be more consistent in deciding whether to charge or not charge for sensor issues repairs.</p>
  14. Defective sensors are replaced with same type sensors. I guess, you can "upgrade" to another Leica camera. Is this the upgrade that you meant?
  15. <p>CEO's often are nice about such requests. I am glad that he responded this way.<br> -------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> Sehr geehrter Herr Raid,</p> <p>vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Ich schaue mir das rangefinderforum gerne an.</p> <p>Können wir im neuen Jahr ab dem 05.01.2015 telefonieren?</p> <p>Danke im Voraus und alles Gute für das neue Jahr.</p> <p>Mit freundlichen Gruessen / kind regards</p> <p><strong>Alfred Schopf<br /></strong>Vorstandsvorsitzender / CEO</p> <p> </p>
  16. Mr. Alfred Schopf just emailed me. He will visit RFF, he wrote me, and he would like to chat with me on the phone after January 5th. Dieter: I am first of all personally curious about what Leica will do or not do. I am also interested in having Leica continue have strong support so that we will see better products down the road. Brian Sweeney suggested to replace the glass. "It's not hard to change out cover glass, especially as BG-18 has the same index of refraction as S8612. In the long-run, it will be cheaper than producing new sensors and having to replace them later. ON Technology shows 250 KAF-18500 sensors in stock. "
  17. <p>Dieter,<br /> My goal is for the CEO to start a direct dialogue between Leica and Leica owners. I am sure he knows of the sensor issue, and he approved the free replacement. He is the CEO after all.</p>
  18. Sometimes, it helps if the CEO knows about such an issue, Richard. It could very well be that he is aware of the sensor problems.
  19. I know, Stephen. Thanks. Thete are so many heated disvussions online about the M9 sensor.
  20. Well said, JDM. The 280SL is a classy car too. (A SONY?)
  21. Hi Stephen. I just asked the CEO to visit the rangefinder forum website. I doubt it that he will show up.
  22. <strong>A Letter to Leica AG CEO Alfred Schopf (via andreas.dippel@leica-camera.com)</strong> <hr size="1" /> Sehr geehrter Herr Dippel,<br />Bitte schicken Sie dieses email zu Herrn Alfred Schopf. Herzlichen Dank.<br /><br /><br />Sehr geehrter Herr Schopf,<br />Ich bin ein Leica fan seit vielen Jahren, und ich benuetze mehrere Leica Kameras (M3, M6, M8.2, M9), und auch die "Alten" IIIc und Standard Leica. Leider sind die neuen Leica Kameras nicht mehr stabil seit der M8. Ich bin nicht einer von wenigen Benuetzer von digitale Leica Kameras, und es gibt leider viele Probleme mit den Sensoren. <br /><br />Ich bin Mitglied an <a href="http://www.rangefinderforum.com/" target="_blank">www.rangefinderforum.com</a>, wo viele tausend Leica Benuetzer jeden Tag etwas ueber Leica schreiben. Ueblich sind es positive Sachen die da gemeldet werden, aber seit den Sensor Schwierigkeiten in der M9 gibt es ploetzlich viele Meldungen die laut sagen "Wo is denn Leica?" "Warum werden Kameras noch verkauft mit dem alten Sensor?" "Das ist eine teuere Kamera die voller Probleme ist." <br /><br />Schauen Sie bitte hier:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=146402" target="_blank">http://www.rangefinderforum.com/foru...hreadid=146402</a><br /><br />und auch hier:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146279" target="_blank">http://www.rangefinderforum.com/foru...d.php?t=146279</a><br /><br />Wenn Tausende von Leica Fans jetzt auf andere Kamera systeme umwechseln, das wird nicht git fuer Leica sein. Sobald jemand seine Leica Kameras und Objektive verkauft (mit viel Verlust) wir er nicht mehr zu Leica zurueckkommen weil andere Kamera Systeme billiger sind.<br /><br />Her Schopf, Ich bitte Sie uns doch "zu besuchen" an <a href="http://www.rangefinderforum.com/" target="_blank">www.rangefinderforum.com</a>.<br /><br />Danke.<br /><br />Raid Amin, Ph.D.<br />Professor<br />USA<br />Noch-bin-ich-ein-Leica-Benutzer
  23. I have been using FD lenses on Canon cameras si ce the early 1980's. I mostly used the Canon F1N and the T90 cameras. I also used the fully mechanical F1n, and the A1, plus the AE1 and the AE1 Program and the Pellix.. Canon made so many wonderful cameras, and you have many excellent options.
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