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Posts posted by thesaltypeanut

  1. <p>This subject seems to be getting brought up a lot lately. When I am a guest at a friends wedding, the bride and groom usually ask me to take lots of pictures. I don't do too many weddings - mainly portraits, boudoir, other events, trash the dress, etc.<br>

    With that being said, when I am a guest at a wedding, I stay clear away from the professional photographer. Literally no where near him or her. The last thing I would ever want to do would be to offend another professional on a job. <br>

    If I were you, take the time and get some great detail shots. While the pro is taking group shots, maybe take some shots of the guests during cocktail hour. <br>

    I'm sure some other people will be able to chime in here :)</p>

  2. <p>Greetings! 1st - I could spend hours reading these forums alone. The advice the regulars/everyone gives is priceless.<br /><br />I have started getting back into photography. I was the photography editor in high school and have always taken great pictures. This summer I'll be assisting my good friend with a number of weddings. <br />Once I started looking at cameras, I was horrified to admit that my SLR skills are not as sharp as they were in high school. Since HS (10 years ago) I have been using higher end basic point and shoot digital cameras. <br />Fast forward - I'm throwing myself into it and am excited. I've just purchased the Canon T1i. I've bought several books and have been getting used to my camera (which I love) and all of the SLR settings. I do have access to all of my friend's professional Canon photography equipment and she will be helping me along the way.<br /><br />I plan on purchasing my equipment as I go. I'm able to purchase a flash right now and my sister and a few of her friends will be coming over to let me practice with them - specifically boudoir photography. I have a request from a a friend who is getting married who wants me to do these for her and I obviously want to practice on other people before her. Frankly I am very interested in it and the market in my area is THERE. The interest is high and I know that I will be great at it :)<br /><br />"What the hell is this girl's question??"<br /><br />What flash do you recommend for this type of photography? It would be an indoor studio that doesn't have that much natural light. I've been looking at speedlite 430exII but I don't know if that would be too powerful? Is that even an issue?<br /><br />Many thanks!<br /><br />... and here is a picture of my greyhound, so give you some indication of my style :)<br /><img src="http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs037.snc3/12460_187954495745_501195745_3830637_4777170_n.jpg" alt="" width="279" height="228" /></p>
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