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Everything posted by raihan_malik1

  1. <p>hello everyone,<br> I'm back again. i have a Nikon 80-200 for my d7000/d90 and lately i came across this Nikon 70-210 D f4.5 lens. someone is selling it for $150 and i read all the good comments about it. i was diagnosed with Tendonitis and just wondering to get rid of my bulky 80-200 and switch for this cheaper one. (high iso to perform at low light situation with it's fast focusing ability)<br> so any thought or advise will be greatly appreciated on it's quality, performance, pros-cons etc. Thanks, Regards, Raihan.</p>
  2. <p>Hello Eric and everyone,<br> looks like my issue is about to resolved. I mount all 4 lenses on my D90 and D7000 and tried to shoot same object on my table using single focus point with 9 AF at f2.8, 4, 5.6, 8 and it turns out my images are not that bad. Yes 85mm 1.8 is not very sharp nor at 5.6 comparing to 17-50 or 35mm. <br> SO I think my technique wasn't right. I was using hand held camera but 100 shutter speed so images weren't blurry, and now I'm starting to believe that probably using good light ( it's 1am here) and tripod may give better result.<br> Just one question I tried last night some shots using live view in manual mode and I think some images came even sharper, so was it the whole point of telling me to try this out? Or something else?<br> Thanks Eric once again to resolve my problem and saving some $ to buy another lens. you guys are the best.</p>
  3. <p>It's mostly with that lens. I havn't tried live view or manual focus yet. When I shoot an event and let's say taking group shots I have to take minimum 3 shots to ensure I'm getting at least one sharp image but Not tack sharp. I havn't noticed any significant change with fine tuning.<br> I'll for sure try the manual focus via live view to evaluate the sharpness as advised. I wasn't sure about the 9AF points, thought 11 would be better but will try that too.</p> <p>Yes I'm using a tripod but at the event I don't. But thanks for the tips, I'll try and get back to you with my result. Raihan.</p>
  4. <p>Hi everyone,<br> i've been a Nikon D7000 user and for wide angle i used to have tamron 17-50 then i changed it to sigma same wide angle for fast focus but for some reason i'm unable to get tack sharp pictures, i tried to calibrate the D7000 with focus chart, i'm using single focus point and i have selected 11 focus point in the menu but still failed to achieve and half of the time images not focus properly. so what'd be your suggestion if i want to change sigma? what'd be a best alternate lens? what about nikon 17-55 (non vr)??? please advise. thanks a lot. Raihan.</p>
  5. <p>Thanks everyone for your valuable tips, I'll for sure try them.<br> Hi Nick, to answer your questions, I mostly shoot without a tripod when using 80-200, it's mostly for portrait or candid shots in wedding or birthday parties.<br> I'm adding a sample image please advise if i have to redo it. Thanks. Raihan.</p><div></div>
  6. <p>Thanks everyone<img src="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151944155191652&set=a.10151594751146652.1073741846.562526651&type=3&theater" alt="" /> for your valuable tips, I'll for sure try them.<br> Hi Nick, to answer your questions, I mostly shoot without a tripod when using 80-200, it's mostly for portrait or candid shots in wedding or birthday parties.<br> I tried to add a sample image by clicking the tree icon on the menu bar, not sure if it's the right way to do but please advise if i have to redo it. Thanks. Raihan.</p>
  7. <p>Hello Everyone,<br> <br />I'm sure you already answered this question too many times. I use both D90 and D7000 but since I bought 7000 I'm not very happy with my focusing. I know that's a known issue with 7000. And just wonder if there's any other way I can fix it without following the 9 minutes clip on youtube where you have to follow a chart. I found it complicated.<br> FYI I changed from Tamron wide angle to Sigma wide to avoid this, but I mostly feel the softness with my 80-200mm (Nikon non vr). I use single focus point manually (move all direction with the arrows) and point it towards subject's eyes. My preference is between f2.8 to 5.6 depending on the situation BUT when I compare my images with others I found my ones are not that sharp. Any advise. Thanks. Raihan.</p>
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