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Posts posted by gateway

  1. <p>A 'used' Sekonic L428 (incident & reflective) sells for about that amount on popular auction sites. This revolving head meter uses 357 (MS76) silver oxide batteries, or the shorter-life alkaline equivalent. It works for a wide range of ASA settings, f stop 1-90, shutter speeds 1/4000-60 min. Two thumbs up!</p>
  2. <p>It's been interesting (and fun) reading the responses of those that have been acquainted with medium format for a long time and some of which have worked these cameras for customers and clients. I'll be searching for posts and comments from those that have scanned 120 negs. or slides to computer.</p>
  3. <p>What a disaster, sorry to hear...<br />Photo restoration might partially salavage some of the wreckage as mentioned, above.</p>

    <p>Photo CD's are common from Pro wedding photographers? When I saw "CD", I raised my eyebrow, and was thinking that 'proofs' would likely be delivered as part of a signed contract.</p>


  4. <p>Don't start by taking all manual shots! Enjoy those auto modes for most exposures and the quick AF. Practice with the spot meter while 'on' without taking shots. You can do all kinds of practice with a meter without taking pictures/using film.</p>

    <p>Learn the basics of metering vs. 'gray' scale, back of hand facing the sun, and other practical methods of obtaining exposure settings. Examples, metering two areas within the shot and averaging-then setting in manual mode. And, what films to meter for highlights, what films to meter for shadows, and other...</p>

    <p>Have fun!</p>

  5. <p>How does medium format fit into current photography trends? Are there more of us 'new' people? Medium format cameras in very good, pre-owned condition seem to sell quickly on the web.</p>

    <p>As a new -old- Yashica owner, these questions came to mind. One unfortunate these days-gamblers seeking a working camera and buying those with shutter problems on Internet auctions listed as 'no returns'. If you have the technical expertise, it makes sense, otherwise...</p>


  6. <p>After growing up in the manual exposure, non AF world, it doesn't seem like that much of an add-to rotate the PL on a rotating front element. Unless the clouds are rolling by quick and changing the light, the landscapes or buildings will still be there. The exception is hurry-up, or action shots.</p>

    <p>Teresa, nice shot of that coon!</p>

  7. <p>Good point about using the 'auto' setting. Have you got a good understanding of the resulting look that you'll derive from using wide or narrow aperture settings on the lens? If you use the manual for bracketing purposes first, and learn to appreciate the 'auto' functions, you'll be off to a good start. Hope this helps.</p>
  8. <p><br />You could reverse the lens without a ring. Go for the ring, instead. However, holding the lens in reverse can bring scratches, or a lens can easily drop in the dirt/pavement. Keep in mind that closeups like you describe may be obtained with a fixed focal length like 55mm Micro for instance, or some Tele lenses will provide an alternative from a further distance.</p>

    <p>Look at the first photo (tele close-up) in this post: <a href="../nikon-camera-forum/00Jgeg">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00Jgeg</a></p>

  9. <p>If you can't affect the lighting, you can control your orientation and the subject's angle to existing light. If flash, no straight-on, shoot from several angles (you will use some film to get 'that' shot). If candid, take several angles-perspectives to help ensure success. Some people don't want to take off the specs, have fun!</p>
  10. <p>The home we purchased recently had a virtual tour on the Internet. This included still photos. Some interior photos overlapped each other, and others-almost. The tour was a slideshow with music. All walls of each room and the basement were shown.</p>

    <p>If a few photos are going to appear next to listings on their website, your photos without clutter will show some of the more appealing rooms, or features, eh? Keywords: Hide all clutter.</p>

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