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Posts posted by joe_cormier

  1. <p>I want to maximize my image quality while maintaining the largest possible amount of shots available on my<br>

    CF-card. I am using a d-300. My settings are as follows.</p>

    <p>1. Raw uncompressed 16-bit.<br>

    2. CF card is primary ( 8 gigs)<br>

    3. SD card is secondary (2 gigs</p>

    <p>The problem I have is that under the above conditions only 76 shots are available on the primary CF card. If<br>

    I switch cards and make the SD card the primary, I still wind up with 76 shots. Shouldn't the CF card show<br>

    somewhere around 300 shots? As always thanks in advance.</p>

    <p> Joe.</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>I will be shooting a bike race and want to create a blur effect utilizing rear curtain sync. I will be using a<br>

    d-300s and an SB-9oo mounted on the camera. These will be daylight shots using a wide angle lens at a<br>

    distance of no greater than 10 feet. I am totally confused as to how to set this up in my camera and or flash.<br>

    Thanks in advance for any tips!</p>

    <p> Joe</p>

  3. <p>I just purchased a d-300s (couldn't find a d300} and am confused over Active D-lighting.<br>

    I have 2 questions.<br>

    A. what exactly is d-lighting?<br>

    B. Is d-lighting unique or can I duplicate the effect in either Photoshop or Lightroom effectively?</p>

    <p>Thanks for all your help. </p>

    <p> Joe</p>

  4. <p> What is the difference between a 12 bit lossless compressed file and a 12 bit uncompressed file in relation<br>

    to image quality? I just purchased a D300s and want to shoot in continuous mode for a bike race. I wanted<br>

    to shoot using a 14 bit but understand it drops my frame rate to around 2fps. Looking for the next best<br>

    alternative set-up for this type of situation. Thanks in advance. </p>

    <p> Joe</p>

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