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Posts posted by pierre_boucher

  1. <p><img src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/kidkodak/?details=1" alt="" />Hi to all,<br>

    Not long a go, I asked for a price for a Mamiya 645 1000s kit. Thanks to those who replied. A bit later, I went shooting by a river by -27° C. That part of the river was not frozen yet, so it released a lot of fog. The camera worked just fine, no light leak. Few years ago, I shot digital with a Nikon by -23 and the camera stopped working after 15 minutes.<br>

    Here's a link to 6 pics from that shooting called "Brume d'hiver" (winter fog). Lens: Mamiya 55/2.8. Film: Rollei PAN 25 developped in Rodinal semi-stand developement.<br>

    Happy shooting to all.<br>


    Montréal, Canada<br>


  2. <p>Hello to all,<br>

    I have a Mamiya M645 1000s including : prism finder with lightmeter + right angle viewer + Mamiya Sekor 55/2.8, 80/2.8 and 150/3.5 + handle with flash cold shoe and two 120 holders.<br>

    All the kit is very mint and working fine. No default, fungus, mark, etc. as far as I know or see. The camera has been CLAed by Jacques Guyon near Quebec City, an european pro repairman passionate with cameras (http://www.reparationdecamera.com/).<br>

    Since I don't use it very often and I use more my Mamiya C220, what would be the selling price? I assure the buyer would not be disappointed with this kit. Prices on eBay are very variable.<br>

    Thank you for your reply.<br>

    Pierre Boucher<br>

    Montréal, Canada</p>

  3. <p>Hello to all,<br /> I have no special question. Just that I was rather surprised to see how the Maxxum 70 could deal with a quite harsh lightning in Auto mode. Love this camera. Not shure I could do it whithout bracketing with an all manual camera. Shot with Fomapan 200 @ 400 ISO + HC-110.<br /> Long life to Photo.net<br /> Don't know why the image insert function doesn't fonction.<br>

    Pierre, Montréal, Canada<br /> http://www.ipernity.com/doc/320281/30861407</p>

  4. <p>Hello to all,<br>

    First, congratulations for the excellency of Photo.net. I read it regularly, but I post very rarely.<br>

    Here's my question, but I'm not sure if I'm in the right forum. Google search was sterile.<br>

    After replacing an Industar-10 with a Summitar 50mm/2 on my Leica IIIc, I shot a first roll whith that lens (Fomapan 200 @ 100 ISO). Since the Summitar is a vintage lens, is there a BW film that would be better to suit that type of optics? And what about a colour film?<br>

    Thank you in advance.<br>

    Pierre, Montréal, Canada.<br>

    PS. Long life to classic cameras.</p>

  5. <p>Hi to all,<br /> Looks like a part of the let half is overexposed. Shot with a M645 1000s, 80mm/2.8, Ektar 100, steady shutter speed of 1/125 for all 15 frames. The only pic like that out of 15. Temperature : ±0 C.<br>


    <p> </p><div>00ZwbQ-437893584.jpg.01b50708ca67c132152ecc5e82a380f1.jpg</div>

  6. <p>Hi to all,<br>

    Here's a pic of what I get when scanning 35mm color negatives on my Epson V500. The negatives and the support are placed OK in the scanner. I downloaded ant installed the lastest driver (same problem with the previous driver provided with the scanner). Never got that with B&W negative. I scanned with basic settings.</p>

    <p>Thanks and long live to Photo.net</p><div>00ZuPU-435807584.thumb.jpg.9c0b6821f907cf29a43d71f1f9266c27.jpg</div>

  7. <p>Hi to all,<br>

    I'm not sure if I'm in the right forum. Sorry if I'm not.<br>

    Here's a pic of what I get after development. At first sight, it might be light leaks. But I got those stripes (between sprocket holes) with different cameras that were light tight until recently. At least, I think so. Moreover, this negative has been shot at night with a Minolta SR-T202 more than mint.<br>


    This is a Kentmere 400 pushed to 3200 negative cut from a 100 ft roll. I use plastic cassettes. The film loader is a Loyd. Developped with a plastic reel in HC-110, solution E, 20 minutes.<br>

    Any cue will be welcomed of course.<br>



  8. <p>

    <p>Hi to all,<br>

    First, although I don't post often, I read Photo.net regularly. It's a fine site.<br>

    Recently got a like new Minolta SR-T202 + Rokkor 50mm/1.7. Oh man, that cam is a gem. All mechanical and manual, excellent and clear viewfinder displaying exposure settings. Easy focusing, even in low light. Built like a tank and smooth mechanism. ISO setting up to 6400. Just love it. Now I'm torn between my Nikons FM and that Minolta. Sigh! I hate GAS. Unfortunately, I don't have pics yet to post.<br>

    Happy shooting to all!<br>

    Pierre, Montréal, Canada</p>


  9. <p>In the last issue of Black & White Photography (UK magazine), it is announced that AgfaPhoto has relauched the production of the Agfa APX 100 in 135 format. 120 format will be made avalaible in 2011. The 135 format is avalaible online through Silverprint.com –> <a href="http://www.silverprint.co.uk/ProductByGroup.asp?PrGrp=2271">http://www.silverprint.co.uk/ProductByGroup.asp?PrGrp=2271</a><br>

    Now, I don't know if the film will be avalaible in North America. This is my beloved film.<br>

    Pierre Boucher, Montréal, Canada</p>

  10. <p>I shoot both digital (mostly colour) and film (mostly B/W developped at home, 35mm/MF). I noticed on Flikr that more and more young and less young people are interested in film photography and buy used film cameras. A photo lab here in Montreal noticed a new interest in MF film photography. Moreover, the new Kodak Ektar 100 colour film sales were stronger than Kodak's expectations according to what I read. Happy shooting to all!</p>
  11. <p>Hi,<br />I just hope I'm in the right forum.<br />Tomorrow I'll go out for a photography session with my amteur group. The topic is churches. Since it's gona be overcast, I think I'll forget the interior of chuches and focus on the outside.<br /><br />I'll shoot with a Mamiya C220, tripod, Ilford 50 ISO and a lightmeter. What would be the best exposure/development combination to get "contrasty" or at least interesting pics under diffused light. I develop with X-Tol.<br /><br />Thanks.<br />Pierre</p>
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