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Image Comments posted by teos
Another beautiful image !
Well done ! Thank you for sharing !
Regards, Teo
Splendid work , Paul !
Congratulations !
excellent shot , Paul , congratulations , it's amazing !
That pattern realises a splendid abstract image , mostly if we cut the top of the image
Regards , Teo
Foarte frumoasa imagine !
Felicitari !
A silent peaceful summer evening ...
Thank you for your opinions!
Absolutely great shot, Vadim !
Regards, Teo
It's a great catch !!
Buna,multumesc de interpretarea in stilul tau !In general caut sa expun cit mai corect si sa postprocesez cit mai discret (nu ca as si reusi chestia asta!!!) .poate aici ar fi mers ceva mai mult contrast .
Intr-adevar, locuri extraordinar de frumoase, in plus am avut parte de o lumina extraordinara .Am pozat cu EOS XTi cu Sigma 30mm 1.4 si pe film cu Canon EOS 50e cu Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon 20mm 2.8(cu adaptor) .Imaginea asta e una din probele facute pe film pentru acest wide.Lumina era intr-adevar extraordinara .Se observa gama dinamica mare a negativului color care permite ca ,detaliile sa se poata distinge pe cladirile din fundal care sint in contralumina.
M-a uimit ,cind am vazut scanarea faptul ca aceasta lentila e practic lipsita de flare in aceasta scena dificila.Pare sa fie si o relativa lipsa de sharpness ,poate confirmarea de focus nu a lucrat chiar ca lumea,inca testez si obiectivul si adaptorul.
Cred ca ar fi trebuit sa fac braketing cu +/- 1trepte de expunere, macar . sau sa fi incercat un filtru gradient
Spor la pozat !
Definitely one of my favorites from your splendid portfolio ! Handheld at 1/6s !!! Impressive !Excelent colours and composition.
Was it shot with mirror lock up ?
regards, Teo
Thank you Gunnar, for your kind words and for stopping by.I am glad you like it .
Best regards,Teo
Beautiful night cityscape !
Taken with CZJ flektogon 20mm 2.8 on Canon 50e in the gardens of
Barsana monastery, Romania.
Thank you for looking!
Sunset in the gardens of Barsana monastery .Taken in a recent trip in
Maramures, northern Romania.
Thank you for looking!
A little window in Barsana Monastery , an orthodox church carved in
wood in northern Romania (Maramures).
Thank you for looking.
Salut !
Dane, iti multumesc pentu aprecieri ...Biserica Sf.Gheorghe din Hrad e intr-adevar deosebita...interiorul cu arhitectura romanica, cu arce rotunde si textura aspra a pietrei creaza un sentiment de regres temporal mai pregnant decit majestuasa "Sf.Vitus".
Numai bine, Teo
Buona sera, Daniele !
Beautiful image,DOF,framing, light, sky !!! congratulations! It's a little too big for the PN , it's dificult to see it in whole.
Best regards, Teo
Nice colours, Javed !
Regards, Teo
Venice, Italy
in Travel
Splendid night shot ! One of my favorites !
Cheers , Teo