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Image Comments posted by jenniferfraser

    Adian 1


    I can't decide which picture is best - which do you think?


    Also, do you think the lighting is slightly dark?


    Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    Lucy (aged 4)


    I don't find the fingers distracting....I think it's part of what I love about the picture. It makes me wonder more about what she is doing. I love that her hair is a little in her eyes too - very real and childlike. Perfect!

    Funny Face


    It really is a great shot - and in 20 years when she is getting married you can pull it out to torture her some more!! :0)

    The lighting seems perfect, I really like how you have cropped it, and I think black and white is a strong choice. I can't think of anything I would do to improve it. Well done!

  1. This shot is a great reminder to look at a simple object and to take its photo in an interesting and different way - to make it fresh. you've done this superbly! It would be interesting to take the photo again on a clear, blue day to see the differences. I personally really like the white clouds, as they add interest, but I notice on the left hand side there are quite a few white clouds. If it was replaced with blue, perhaps the contrast with the stems would be even more striking? Hmmm....

    Best friends


    You've really captured a wonderful moment with the one girl smiling! Great focus with the background slightly out of focus - nice. Did you shoot this in black and white, or did you change it later? I wonder how it could compare in colour? :0)

    Seaside 1


    This is actually the original picture - with no changes made. I thought it was a bit too yellow-y - so I altered the photo a bit and made it a little more blue-y. Which do you prefer?


  2. Very nice shot - and it brings me back to one of my favourite childhood places - Haystack Rock! The detail on the rock seems unbelievable, but very nice. It makes the rock seem to shine - and with the contrast of the misty background it works very well. I am curious as to whether or not you did much post-processing...and what type? I really love this picture. Well done!

  3. It was my favourite shot of the day. I just love the stance and the colours with the sky - I think it all really works well. Then, later on I noticed the white building - and then I thought "Oh no!" But it isn't like I could take the building out - and shooting from a different angle would have ruined the stance of the men (which I really liked). You might be interested to know that this shot was taken in Israel - at the Remembrance Day ceremony that was held there....neat hey? There were officers from all over the world - but I was so proud (as a fellow Canuck) to get this shot....

  4. The sky was so bizarre that day - and I thought these strange plants

    made it all look very eerie! The original picture was a little darker,

    however, and so I lightened it a little on the computer. What do you

    think? Does it look light enough? Other comments? Thanks for looking!

    The Lake


    I really like how the sky is so light - providing a nice contrast to

    the ground and lake. But I'd love to hear some suggestions for

    improvement. Thanks!

    Seaside 1


    I was taking pictures of this group who were just sitting around - but

    still I thought they added some interest to my picture....and then two

    stood up and I am so pleased that I caught this moment! I think it

    really adds to the photo! I'd love to hear your feedback - should the

    top be cropped a little? Thanks for looking!



    Wow - great light! I love how the light reflects a similar shape to the trees - like a kind of symmetry. Lovely. I can't decide if cropping the top off just a little would improve the shot or not. I just find the ground to be so much more interesting than the sky that I think it could possibly improve the shot. Only a little. Just a thought.

    Well done!

  5. I really love this picture - it is one of my favourites. I think the different colours in the sky, along with the trees add enough interest. I think I might try cropping it slightly on the left - just that third bit of the tree bothers me a bit. I love how the stars look like rain - but the curved movement reminds us that it is not rain at all, rather stars. Wonderful!



    The colours in this shot are very powerful and amazing! I have to ask - did you use a filter or any post production to intensify the colours? It almost looks as though there is water in the canoes as well - as it looks very similar to the water of the lake.


    Very nice!

  6. I know that I didn't really capture this moment as well as I could

    have - it is not completely in focus. I think I needed to increase the

    shutter speed - but I can't change it now! I guess I am wondering

    whether or not it still works?

    Trees in thaw


    This picture in black and white is very strong. However, I must agree that I think it would be stronger if the horizon wasn't right in the middle. Since I find the ground much more interesting than the sky, I would crop the sky off a bit.

    But very nice!

    Sea View 1.JPG


    The sky is very striking - it caught my attention right away. I think the way the sky is very dark and deep near the top is amazing. The little bit of white cloud adds the perfect amount of interest. I do think that the shot could be improved with the horizon moved up slightly higher - at the moment it is (in my opinion) a bit too low. Also, if you could control this (which I am sure you can't), if the people in the shot were wearing more contrasting colours, so that they stood out a bit more, I think it would strengthen the picture. But, I really, really LOVE this shot. Very nice.

  7. First of all, I wasn't sure which category to put this picture in....


    But second of all, I wanted to know about the colour and composition

    of this photo. I wish the white building in the background behind the

    trees wasn't visible. I personally find it very distracting, but

    wanted to know what others thought.



  8. I am very happy with how this picture turned out, especially with the

    colour of the sky. But I would like to know how to improve this

    picture - any advice would be great!! Is the composition with the tall

    tree on the left ok? I wish it was slightly more to the right, but

    unfortunately I can't go back! :0)

    Joy of life


    I really love the photo - I love how the background is black and her clothes match this. I love the pose that you have caught and her expression on her face. I almost think I'd like it better without the stone bridge. I guess I find it a little unnecessary, but I am sure you had good reason to include it. Well done!!

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