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Posts posted by landon_christensen

  1. <p>Can someone please explain the difference between a full frame sensor & a non-full frame sensor of a DSLR?</p>

    <p>Also how do you figure out the zoom range of a lens? My friend tried to explain it to me & all I caught was that you have to multiply numbers like your lens MM range and your cameras optical zoom?</p>



  2. <p>I am about to be buying my first DSLR & I can't make up my mind.<br>

    I have been looking at the XSi on eBay for around 500$ OR my friend is going to sell me his used XT with 2 lenses (kit & 18-75 IS USM) a UV filter for each lens, a polarizing filter for the USM, a bag, an extra battery, & a charger for 600$.<br>

    Which is a better deal?</p>


  3. <p>I have tried everything I can think of to eliminate underdeveloped spots on my negatives.<br>

    They are towards the end, not in the middle of my negatives. I have tried pre-soak, rotary agitation, invert agitation, but nothing I try works. Perhaps someone with more experience could give some pointers???</p>



  4. <p>Hey All,<br>

    Today was my first family photo shoot, and I discovered that film is very uneffecient when you are trying to meet peoples wants for family pictures. I want to break into the digital realm of photography. I am looking at the Canon Rebel XT right now. Does anyone have any better suggestions? I am hoping to spend around $400-$500.</p>



  5. <p>Does anybodoy know if Ilford HP5 + has a naturally purple tint to it? I have tried everything I can think of to get rid of the purple tint yet, to my dismay, the purple tint still remains.</p>

    <p>And those you do a water pre-soak, how long and what temperature do you soak your film? Any agitation?</p>

    <p>Lastly, I have some under-developed spots on my negs, does that mean i should agitate more?</p>



  6. <p>Hello Everyone,<br>

    I am brand new to the community here at Photo Net, I thought I might get some help if I register and post some questions. This seems like a friendly bunch of photographers.<br>


    Today was my first shot at film developing. I was not very thrilled when I came to see that my negatives were tinted purple? Does anyone have any ideas on what to do/not to do? Here are the chemicals and film I am using and the times I use them for.<br>


    I use Ilford HP5, 400 ISO<br>

    Kodak D-76, for 9 minutes with 5 second agitation at 30 sec. intervals.<br>

    Kodak Indicating Stop Bath, for 1 minute constant agitation.<br>

    Kodak Fixer, for 5 1/2 minutes with 5 second agitation at 30 sec. intervals.<br>

    Water Rinse, for 5 minute presure wash.<br>


    Does anybody have suggestions?</p>



    <p> </p>

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