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Posts posted by michael_ricca

  1. <p>Hi,<br>

    I have recently become interested in mixing my own developers from scratch, in the past I have used sodium carbonate as an activator. Some of the recipes that I am interested in call for sodium hydroxide, which has a higher Ph than the sodium carbonate. I was wondering if Sodium hydroxide was interchangeable with sodium carbonate, if I increased the amount of sodium carbonate?<br>

    Thanks Mick.</p>

  2. <p>Hi,<br>

    Its been some time now since I have seen The Polaroid Miniport 402 camera poping up on eBay, I have seen this camera and simillar ones start as low as $20 (Australian) and others ranging as high as $400. I was wondering if anyone new what the value of this type of camera would be, assuming the camera is in a good working condition.<br>

    Thanks Mick.</p>

  3. <p>Hi,<br>

    I just developed a role of film in coffee and washing soda etc as part of a school project, the developed and fixed but the negatives looked odd- when held up to the light I could see right through them clearly, but when I put them down on my desk I couldnt the base looked opaque. Comparing it to other negatives I could see right through them. This was colour film, and it has happened before when using this film and these chemicals. It has never however happened when I have developed B&W film in the same way. Does anyone know what has occured and how I can avoid it in the future?<br>

    Thanks Mick.</p>

  4. <p>Hi everyone,<br>

    The horrible smell, was infact the developer that, the soda ash must be breaking down the coffee... but it was defietley not sulfur, as you would expect from thiosulfate breaking down into sulfur dioxide, anyway i did a leader test on the water dechlor and it did clear it! but it took nearly an hour, so that would mean about three hours fixing......<br>

    Anyway thanks for your help, I think I will just buy some kodak fixer to use for my work. </p>

  5. <p>Hi everyone,<br>

    I know you picked up on my typo, I used sodium carbonate/soda ash/washing soda as my activator for the coffee and Ascorbic Acid, this worked fine, I have developed images on my negs, and it smelt horrible, but my fixer was makshift, I read somewhere that sodium thiosulfate was the main component of the water dechlorinator used for fish, so I tried this at a dilution of 35ml water dechlor/250ml water. I think this is why the fixing did not work, I am doing a leader test on the stuff to see weather or not it can fix the film, if not ill have to order some fixer online.<br>

    Thanks Mick.</p>

  6. <p>Hi,<br>

    I am 14 years old and this is my first time developing film, I was using coffee and dosium carbonate, so anyway I

    did the developing and fixing as directed. I opened the tank and checked the emulsion, it had developed but it did not

    look normal, I could not see through the image and immediatley thought that the fixer had not worked

    properly. I closed the tank quickly and filled it with water. Could someone please tell me whats

    happened and if the images could be salvaged and what I should go about doing to save them?<br>

    Thanks Michael.</p>

  7. <p>Hi,<br>

    I have just become interested in 'Caffenol' developing for B&W film considering that this developer uses household chemicals. So I also wanted to know whether their was an alternative fixer to thiosulfate ones. I have read in many places that saltwater will do the trick, but this is a myth, isnt it? I have also read that a derivitive of onions (water?) can also be used? Do any of these alternatives work, are there others, or do I have to stick to ordinary fixer for this type of developing?<br>

    Thanks Mick</p>

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