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Everything posted by mark_davidson1

  1. I have a contract that I use for all architectural photography that, when signed, grants me permissions to use the photographs for promotion, competition and stock sales and grants me all applicable property releases. Never had a problem and many are flattered that their property may be considered for other publication.
  2. <p>I agree about using a 32 oz tank. Should be no problem. I always pre-soak my film for about 30 seconds to ensure even wetting by the developer and the minimization of air bells.<br> The concern about a few seconds out of a 6+minute developing time is unwarranted.</p>
  3. <p>We ARE our own worst enemies. However I notice that demand for photography is relatively inelastic at different levels in different genres/markets.<br> The real problem is that we are crawling about in the dark with respect to quoting.<br> All markets are different and all clients are different. Tools such as Fotoquote are often cited as a good starting point for pricing. And just like battle plans, they never survive first contact with the enemy/client.<br> The fact is that most of us do not deal with reps that sell us to agencies and get "industry standard" rates. We work with clients who are not interested in the quasi union-speak of industry practices. They want their pictures fast, great, and with unlimited use. If you aren't dancing to that tune you will be scratched off the list as they move to the next guy on their Google search.<br> Just like wading in strange water you get a feel for pricing in your market over time. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you fall in a hole. Most of the time we shuffle along hoping we don't get hurt.</p>
  4. <p>"But, considering all the other images I've seen where a camera is remotely tripped by a wild animal subject (humming birds, tigers at a watering hole, etc) I don't think we've heard the last on this subject yet."<br> True, I am sure National Geographic is very concerned right now.</p>
  5. <p>As Ellis noted you will need to charge for"beer and Spenser's" ;)<br> Seriously, his advice is correct in estimating a price. <br> My experience is that small businesses do not understand the concept of usage and will stare blankly at you.<br> A flat fee per property will be far more understandable to them. Do not be surprised if they think that $200 plus gas and food is fair. They don't think of these things and compare the job to using their phone.</p> <p>I got my first architectural job from my landlord when I was a portrait photographer. I told him I would shoot the job and he could say yes or no but if he said yes he would be obligated to buy 10 views. He loved them and now my business is largely architectural photography. It took time to build but I did experiment on my first paying job.<br> I looked at a lot of magazines such Architectural Digest, Architectural Record, Dwell etc. I paid attention to the viewpoints, time of day and lighting.<br> You can practice on local buildings and your own house for interiors.<br> The best thing is that often small businesses are less demanding than larger operations in bigger cities. This can give you an opportunity to learn in real life before moving your ambitions up market. </p>
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