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Posts posted by sd_woods

  1. <p>This is me doing rangefinder on the cheap, but a friend of mine said to forget about cheap ones and just go for a near pro level one that'll still do me just fine 15 years down the line. I have my mind set on getting one with a lense of F/2 or faster, and that Contax G1 with its 45mm F/2 Planar is pretty enticing up there... Any thoughts?</p>
  2. <p>I, not long ago, settled upon the Olympus 35RD, £58 including postage and packaging. It arrived, the shutter was stuck and the seller refunded me. That was that, but what wasn't just "that", is what I was instead going to buy, and as the price seems to have gone up I can't just buy another one, so I'm stuck. I don't feel like paying more than £60 unless you can really persuade me to.<br>

    I thought I'd ask you lot, you've helped every time I've asked before.</p>

    <p>And I'm sorry about the category, I've never posted in this forum before, and none of them quite fitted.</p>

  3. <p>I'll look into the X-500... I see one here with a 45mm Rokkor lense, which is not wide enough for my liking. I'll be waiting, and do you know, are there any decent wide angle lenses for the X-500?<br>

    By the way, I've dispensed with automatic exposure, it is no longer necessary to me.</p>


  4. <p>Yeah I asked him about the lenses, he said he sold them separately because he knew he'd get more money that way. I also think it's a bit high, and I don't fancy having to pay postage on a camera, and then separate postage on a lense from someone else.<br>

    I reckon I'll wait. Thanks for your help :)</p>

  5. <p>I was told, when I bought my first DSLR, to go to a local showjumping place and take pictures of the jockeys. Anything involving horses is probably a rich man's game, so I was advised to try and sell pictures to the parents of the jockeys, as they will never be this age again.<br>

    I would also recommend taking pictures of local events and try selling them to local newspapers.</p>

  6. <p>I only wanted an automatic mode because the only SLR lense I've ever used is a F/3.5 on my Nikon D40, which is not very fast. I wanted to know how to let in the right amount of light without having to waste 10 rolls of film learning, but if I can just get a light meter for a few quid, then I don't need automatic exposure. Sorry for the trouble this may cause :(<br>

    Oh and thank you all for your help, it is much appreciated.</p>

  7. <p>You might want to look into Olympus rangefinders, especially ones from the 1970s. There's the RD, RC and the SP(probably more but I'm not sure). The RC is the smallest, the cheapest(£40) too. The RD is somewhere in the middle(£50), and with a fast lens(F/1.7). The SP costs the most. That's about all I know about it.</p>
  8. <p>I'm not interested in battery-dependent cameras. I don't mind if it needs batteries to operate some features, but ideally it should be a mainly mechanical camera.<br>

    I am going to educate myself on the subject of light meters, as all you people have been talking about them and I don't actually know what they are(did I mention I'm quite the beginner, especially with film? I ought to have mentioned that).</p>

  9. <p>It's not that they'd cost more, it's that I live out in the country. If I lived in London I wouldn't be here asking online, I'd be out at flea markets searching. But alas, even the classifieds in the local papers don't have any cameras at all listed. I shall probably try to buy locally rather than on eBay etc., as things seem to be cheaper that way. Thanks for all the suggestions, keep them coming.</p>
  10. <p>I'm looking for a cheap SLR, the sort you might find on eBay for £50(about £65 maximum) with at least one lense. I'm not looking for any particular brand, or any particular features. Just has to allow me to take decent pictures.</p>
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