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Posts posted by photomarche

  1. <p>Hi,<br>

    Someimes my Nikon d7000 render the red color more like orange, it looks red are washed out.<br>

    I am not the only one, look at this post: http://www.flickr.com/groups/d7000-club/discuss/72157626992303066/</p>

    <p>If I underexposed, seting EV to -1.00 or even -1.3, it looks much better, the red is finally a red. White balance tuning also helps.</p>

    <p>I do not override any camera settings and shot in RAW.<br>

    Previoulsy I had a D70, the red were fine without any EV tuning.</p>

    <p>Did you come across similar problems? also, it is something to do with this model only?</p>



    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Sorry, I meant "newer" version in my post.<br>

    I can open the file with View NX provided with the camera.<br>

    Problem is, I am used to Elemens workflow, I like to create catalogs and move RAW photos around. I quite like the editor as well.<br>

    I ll try Robbie suggestion, many thanks<br>

    Thank you for all your posts.</p>


  3. <p>Hi,<br>

    Nikon d7000 or waiting for d300S replacement? this is my poblem. I am also on budget and I fear that any new replaement would cost me much more than the current price of the D3ooS<br>

    I currently use a d70 with a nikkor 18-70 3.5/4.5.<br>

    I am attractive by the ISO 100 option of the D7000, altought I do not care about video and all the automatic programs.<br>

    I am not a professional protographer. I shoot landscape, sunset, architecture (do not do sport), all manual and in RAW format.<br>

    I never use ISO higher that 200. if I forget my tripod on the sunset I just do not take the picture. But this is just because of the noise level on the d70 at hight res.<br>

    I would expect the D7000 to have a better ISO performance.<br>

    It probably makes sense to get a D7000, and save some money towards a better lense.</p>

    <p>What do you think?</p>


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