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Image Comments posted by patanjali_parimi

    Feed Me!!!


    Wonderful photgraph to show the desire (or instict) to survive. Which mother, even in dark, wouldn't drop food into the shining yellow, tender beaks. These chicks seem to exploit the color to get food.


    ....You have a great talent to find bird nests :)


    the image tells the entire story. well captured. the caption is strange though - "trippin". Shouldn't it be something like victim or torture.....?
  1. Ha! A lion with a rainbow! Wonderful! The bush in line with the lion is definetly not a problem, it adds well. However, the bush in the foreground could have been avoided, or taken into focus along with rest of the pic. It would then give a nice foreground support.


    full moon

    Wonderful picture! What is the exposure time? The green on trees is unbelievable whatever may be the film. I am a little confused. If there was a lamp on the ground strong enough to cause "green effect" how come the moon rays are that visible? May be I am wrong. I should try to shoot a similar film. Thanks!
  2. Incredible picture thats shows the fury of a Buzzard. I am just amazed by your reflexes - well auto-focus certainly helps, but this picture is all about timing which is perfect . Just wondering why this was not chosen as POW. I get the impression that pictures of wildlife are not getting proper attention in photo.net
  3. More the aesthetics that most commnetators seems to be attracted, I like the feeling that the photogrpahs conveys: the positioning of the legs and bodies of the three men are in resonance with the down slope clearly dipicting thier walking down the slope.
  4. I agree with Micehal and Andy, but disagree with Mary. Art is subjective and there is nothing worng in saying that a picture is not appealing to me. If I fnd that a picture is good I appreciate otherwise not. Why should I be unnecessarily sophisticated to say, whatever may be the POW, that a particular picture is OK to be POW, even though I feel it is not worth it. It is up to the photographer to take my comments +ly/-vely. The present picture is certainly good, for the kind of opportunity it cannot be better, with my limited knowledge I see that there are no obvious technical faults. But I would expect a better picture for POW.


    Fill flash is one way. Another way is to use a reflector, a news paper or sheet of metal or anythig that reflects light on to the face would do.
  5. Congratulations Tony on winning the Photo Contest.

    Somebody above said the picture was staged. If it is staged we should then appreciate Tony not only for his photography skills but also for being a great Director. Amazing that the photographer got such a control on five guys and still appear the scene look relaxed.



    I concentrated on the feather pattern of the Teal. Because it was a

    cloudy day and the bird was far away I had problems getting the bird's

    head also in to sharp focus (200 mm, 5.6).



    I used table lamps for this photograph. The squirrel is one and a half

    month old baby. I cannot call it a pet because it was with me only for

    2 weeks. It's nest was destroyed and it was in distress when I found

    it. I later left it in the wild.



    I used two 60 watt table lamps for this portrait, one close to the

    woman the other away. The weak soft focus effect is obtained by

    applying petroleum jelly on a piece of glass held before the camera.

    Any suggestion on improving this picture?

    Glass reflects


    I don't know the technicalities of abstract photography. How can I

    improve my skills when I shoot abstracts like this? And where does

    this pic stand in terms of aesthetics and originality.


    I took this picture with 28mm, so you can imagine how close I was. If I avoided the sky by tilting my camera down I would be compromising on the projection of the length of the flowers-which as it is now is quite pleasing to me. ....well, I do agree that more depth of field would have made the picture better.

    The new Puppy

    It's not the right moment. The right hand is awkwardly positioned, it should have been turned with palm inside. The puppy is not looking at you dad, your dad is not looking at puppy. The closed eyes don't go well with expression on the face. The background is too bright and distracting. The composition on the whole is bad. The picture doesn't show the wamrth between a pet and a man. Good luck next time!
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