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Posts posted by kel_madics

  1. <p>I had a very good experience with Canon New Jersey that i want to share just in case you are interested with quality and repair time and cost. Last week i sent my 70-200 2.8 IS to Canon NJ on Mar 21 (Sat), they received it on Monday, was on the system by Tuesday then repaired and returned on Friday Mar 28 via overnight fedex and i got my lenses today Mar 30. So that's a total of 9 days. pretty quick eh? they charge me for basic recalibration and cleaning for $95 with shipping and total was $113.<br>

    Heres what they said on their service detail note that i got with the package:<br>

    "We have examined the product according to your request (which is basic cleaning and re calib) and it was found that the part was inoperative. The unit did not function properly. Replaced EMD/IS lens ass'y and other. Checked all, adjusted center/tilt/focus and cleaned factory specs."<br>

    I have a clean and functional lens now! although can anyone explain what EMD/IS assy they replaced?<br>

    Hope this helps someone!</p>

  2. <p>sorry new to this but i just want to know what equipment (transcievers, cable etc) i need to use for this two flashes to sync 580ex II on camera as master and 430ex slave. I only have the 580ex right now and planning to buy the 430EX. im on a tight budget and im not even sure that if i buy the 430EX that i can use it as a slave flash with the 580EX II without buying any more equipment like the pocketwizard? reading the the 580EX manual looks like i can do this without any extra equipment but im not sure.<br>

    thanks thanks for the help</p>

  3. <p>I shoot with 24-105 most of the time except now that i have 70-200 IS :)))))) Anyway, it not a portrait lens because its hard to get shallow depth of field if you dont position your subject right and you WILL use high ISO with it especially if you take photos of people.<br>

    my general rule with this lens is i get a chance of a sharper image w/o using flash if i shoot a shutter speed not lower than 1/13-15 on 50mm, 1/20 on 70mm and at least 1/30 on 70-105mm. I usually go from 800-1600 ISO on a 40d with mine at indoor locations w/o flash to reach those shutter speeds so be prepared to deal with noise on XXd cameras. my saying is if this lens gets it sharp it definitely sharp.<br>

    but ohh I WISH I WISH canon would make the 24-70 an IS or the 24-105 a f/2.8. i would buy any of those without hesitation. :))))<br>

    anyway here is my gallery of pics taken by the 24-105mm f4/L.<br>

    <a href="http://photos.rankemup.com/">http://photos.rankemup.com/</a></p>

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