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Posts posted by kel_madics

  1. <p>Anyone here sent a repair to Canon New Jersey in the month of September 2009. I usually have good experience with them only this time my item is taking quite long to be at least registered in their system. I sent mine last week and its been 4 business days now and i have not gotten any confirmation they put it in their system and i have called them everyday. They say to wait 5 business days so tomorrow is their deadline.<br>

    Its just that the last time i sent something to them the second day they received my item, it is already registered in their system. i sent a 5d1 for cleaning and mirror checkup.<br>

    thanks for sharing!</p>

  2. <p>Actually i bought Flextt5 and it allows me to use full manual, ettl and hypersync except that i need to have a 580ex II on top of it on the camera where i can do the adjustments. i soo soo want this flextt5 (compactness, small, and dont need velcros and stuffs) only bad thing is using 580ex II as slave only gave me 30ft or so range :(</p>
  3. <p>I always come to this situation where i don't always have a set solution. Most of the time when i shoot group shots the the ambient light is so low that it drags my shutter speed quite slow. The thing is I always have this rule of thumb to always shoot f/5.6 at least for group shots (with at least 1/60 shutter) so i have some depth but that aperture will drag my shutter to impossible to hand hold shot. Now comes the flash, saves my a** except sometimes I want to be creative and keep the ambient light for my background.<br>

    So i am curious, how do you usually approach this situation where you want good depth, a sharp image, and with some ambient light in a dark environment?</p>

  4. <p>Hi all,</p>

    <p>I am looking for a remote flash trigger for canons that has the same functionality as a 580EX II as master but using radio signals. The thing is I like the 580EX II's functionality as a master because I can crontrol the other groups flash power and +- compensations without going back and forth between the slave flash and my firing position. Only thing I dont like is the 580EX is bulky, does not work well outdoors and I want to use that same master flash remotely too since i only have two flashes so i prefer radio transmission. can the pocket wizards or st-e2 do what im looking for? Whats your suggestion/advice?</p>

    <p>thanks in advance for the suggestions.</p>

  5. <p>I sent my 70-200mm 2.8f is usm to Canon NJ. I got my lens pretty quick only nine days and charged me $113 for recalibrating and replacements of minor parts although i want to ask what they mean on their returned repair sheet of "EMD/IS" that they replace</p>

    <p>heres their original response:</p>

    <p>"We have examined the product according to your request and it was found that the part was inoperative. The unit did not function properly. Replaced EMD/IS lens ass'y and other. Checked all, adjusted center/tilt/focus and cleaned factory specs."<br /></p>

  6. <p>i have this contract copied somewhere. Please let me know what language should i change. Also i want to add a clause in par 2 that states the client can use the photos on whatever way he wants eg:share, post in web print in unlimeted quantity EXCEPT selling it to publication for money. Also i am not sure what to call this thing, contract? model release and contract?<br /> <br /> let me know of your changes<br /> <br /> <br /> thanks for the help<br /> <br /> Contract<br /> <br /> 1. This agreement constitutes an order for photography services, including the taking of pictures, editing, compiling and ordering of final prints as agreed to by both parties: The Photographer (ME) and Contracting Party (Client). Unless otherwise specified, it is understood that any and all rights to proofs, final or sample prints, thereof shall remain the property of the photographer and may be used for display, online portfolio or any other purpose thought proper by the Photographer.<br /> <br /> 2. The Contracting Party may use ____________________________________________<br /> <br /> 3. If Photographer cannot perform this Agreement in whole or in part due to a fire or other casualty, acts of God or nature or terror, or other cause beyond the control of the parties or due to Photographer's illness or injury, then the Photographer will return all fees to the Client(s) but shall have no further liability with respect to this Agreement. This limitation on liability shall also apply in the event that photographic materials are damaged in processing, lost through camera malfunction, lost in the mail, or otherwise lost or damaged without fault on the part of Photographer. Client(s) agree that an entire event cannot be replicated, reenacted or repeated for the purpose of a re shoot and limits Studio's liability to the amount paid under this contract.<br /> <br /> 4. The service fee is ____ includes ____ hours of photography. A deposit of _______ is due at the signing of this agreement, with a further payment of all necessary expenses (unless otherwise specified) such as printing and shipping of the product. Complete payment shall be received within one week of delivery of the proofs.<br /> <br /> I / we, the undersigned Contracting Party, hereby warrant that I am / we are competent to contract in my / our own name(s). I / we confirm that I / we have read the herein agreement prior to its execution and I / we are fully familiar with the contents thereof. This agreement shall be binding upon us and our heirs, legal representatives and assigns. And, we certify that we have received a complete copy of this agreement with all blank lines completed.</p>
  7. <p>Robin that well explained it. i thought it was a ttl thing but testing the flash in manual still fires a hint of preflash on the master. I just want to make sure it isnt a bug on the 580ex i have. ohh well i point my master flash at the back of my head though so i dont think it matters. the only concern i have was the battery draining. I hope they explained that on the 580ex manual though or i may have just missed it.</p>
  8. <p>i just want to know if this is normal for the 580ex ii for those who use it as master.<br>

    i have a 580ex ii as master and 430ex ii as slave. all i want to know is why my 580ex ii master is still FIRING flash even though i turned the master flash firing OFF? one thing though, when i look at the LCD it seems as the exposure did NOT register any flash from the master so it means it WORKS but what im confused of is when i look at the 580ex's flash directly by moving my face away from the camera it still flashes? I mean i dont mind it flashing because it still does what i want to do which only records the slaves flash but i want to also conserve battery and this may make my subjects blink. i dont see any point of it flashing when i turn the control off.</p>

    <p>Someone else experiencing this? is this normal?</p>

  9. <p>phew Dan Ferrel, i read your first post multiple times specially the second paragraph and imagine it slowly until it finally "clicks." Im such a visual learner hehe. one final thing though just want to make sure on this diagram<br /> <br /> http://www.flickr.com/photos/alleneagleshockey/607071178/sizes/o/<br /> <br /> 45 degrees VERTICAL from subject(point A) to flash(point C) being subject(point A) to camera(point B) as a reference angle (sorry i forgot my geometry terms) so for example being 10-20 feet away from the subject and 45 degrees up from the subject, that would be pretty high would'nt it? i will need a tall light stand to get that angle. exaggerating on the distance as an example, I just want to make sure i understand this completely.</p>
  10. <p>Im trying to learn flash photography under the topic ANGLES/Distance by reading articles in strobist.com although im a little confused about the illustrations. i know you may say i need to try it myself to learn this thing but since im far away from my camera and no ability to fire off camera flash yet, im trying to imagine things for now. OK now, all i want to ask is when someone say for example camera UP-right (notice the "up") what do they mean by it? look at the diagram below:<br>

    Position (Angle) for Strobist

    <p>And the other thing is look from this photo sample i know the HORIZONTAL notes (90, 67, ...) are angles but what does the vertical info represents<br>


  11. <p>thanks for clearing me with that "group" thing, i just realize this last night when i was reading my 580ex manual. But yeah i think im gonna go in that route. 430ex first then maybe a couple of months when i get more knowledge and convert to strobe lighting then ill invest on a st-e2 or pocket wizard. i cant wait to get my tax refund. : ) hehehehe</p>
  12. <p>Im a little confused/dillema and need of a sound advice. As the title states i have a 580EX II and in need of a remote flash but i have a limited budget of $300. Should i buy an ST-E2 for $230 or buy a 430EXII for $270 (just a $40 difference). I know the 580EX can act as a master transmitter and i have read it can handle 3 slaves compared to st-e2. should i just buy a 430EX having my 580ex as my master or having an st-e2 instead will add a much more benefit? Thanks for you advices!</p>
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