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Posts posted by clintdunn

  1. <p>I completely feel your pain. I recently went to order 50 prints from holidays on MPix and had to crop every single image I took no matter what paper option I chose. To me this is a big deal as I always take great care in my compositions and fill the frame from edge to edge...to have to cut away portions of the image to fit a print makes me twitch...and not in a good way.<br>

    I ended up getting 4x5 prints as they required the least amount of cropping. Coming from a background of 35mm the 4:3 aspect ratio on the S90 just doesn't work for me. Try buying a frame for a 4x5 print...<br>

    Oh well, I didn't realize there was a grid overlay to represent 3:2 so I'll try using that going forward.</p>

  2. <p>I'm always amazed at how many people who still support film then go and scan it on a $200 flatbed....<br>

    With that said, I miss shooting Velvia and not having to spend anytime processing it...when you got it right 'in camera' it looked magical...straight out of the box. <br>

    But then I look at some of the great images I have shot with digital, and how much I have learned shooting digital....I'll never go back.</p>

  3. <p>I always laugh at all these people who complain about the expected shutter life of cameras. IMHO 50,000 shutter actuations is quite a bit for landscape photography, which is what this camera was designed for. Many out there spend tens of thousands on gear and then do little more with it than shoot resolution charts and complain on the internet about other gear they desire that isn't built yet.<br>

    I bought my used 1DSII that was 3 years old and it only had 10k actuations on the shutter....probably another person who complained that the camera ONLY had a shutter life of 150k.</p>

  4. <p>For starters I'm a Canon shooter.....BUT...<br>

    I have serious Nikon envy for the 14-24mm2.8. That lens is the BEST wide angle zoom money can buy (for pure image quality). I could care less about the limited zoom range, I want that lens for the wide end. The only downfall to the lens IMO is that precarious front element that is just waiting to get scratched.<br>

    This is an EXPENSIVE lens, but worth every penny from all I have read about and the sample images I have seen. Canon's 16-35mm is not even close....</p>

  5. <p>I've got some great cameras....some great lenses...and a modicum of skill. My single most limiting factor to the pursuit of photography is time. I spend my hours in my 'day job' running a small Telecom company, and it doesn't allow a lot of time for my hobbies.</p>
  6. <p>Hey Jeffrey, don't want video capability in your camera.....go buy a Canon 5D markII instead....wait a second, it has video too...hmmm.<br>

    Maybe you could just NOT USE the video feature...hey there's an idea.</p>

    <p>Seriously people, get over the whole, " I don't want video in my camera' thing. Like it or not this is the way the camera manufacturers are going. No one said you had to use Every feature found on a camera. I have NEVER used any of the dummy modes on my 5D, but I don't begrudge those who do.</p>

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