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Everything posted by apostolos_tournas

  1. <p>Thanks to all of you who responded to my post; much appreciated.<br> One final remark, though. I, unintentionally, may have given the impression that I was worrying about my equipment. I have never felt threatened by the people in London.<br> Paul</p>
  2. <p>I visit London for monthly-long stays a lot; so far, I routinely shoot with small format. I never dared use my 2.8GX in the streets, even at tourist areas. What's the situation nowadays? Will I feel an odd-man-out? Will I draw remarks? Will I remain unnoticed enough so as to concentrate on shooting? Any experience?<br> Thanks,<br> Paul</p>
  3. <p>I routinely check Ffordes UK for used Hasselblad equipment; visit www.ffordes.co.uk.<br> <br />Paul</p>
  4. <p>The definitive magazine on fine art photography is Aperture, published four times a year by Aperture Foundation; check http://www.aperture.org/<br> Paul</p>
  5. <blockquote> <p>Dear me, no, not "only" them. Any Mamiya APO lens (645 or RB67/RZ67) will be in the same class. For example: check out the MTF diagram for the 350/5.6 APO for the RB/RZ.</p> </blockquote> <p>Ray,</p> <p>Mamiya lenses are excellent pieces, as are lenses of other known brands. I was trying, however, to respond to the original poster's remark that the system was for scientific use. As far as I can recall from my concern when doing my lab-based research, apparatuses should operate within strict tolerance limits--the fight was for just an extra decimal point, to put it that way. Both Leica and Zeiss have an extensive experience on scientific instrument manufacture.</p> <p>And, speaking of Mamiya, it reminds me the comments flowing in the Internet for a long time on comparing Mamiya 43mm f/4.5 to SWC's Biogon. The comparisons never mention cleaning-room, assembly and testing tolerances. It's not only MTF, is it?</p> <p>While I will gladly read your comments on this, please allow me not to further respond, due respecting the original post's content and goal.</p> <p>Paul</p>
  6. <p>Dave L., getting clean images of 0.25mm-size objects from a distance for a scientific project requires... scientifically high-quality lenses that only Leica or Carl Zeiss can provide. Second-hand Leica S and Hasselblad V System+digital back are marginally within your budget.</p> <p>However, if you are to do serious image processing (BTW, what software do you use, MATLAB-level tools or go deeper with your own algorithms?), you are fully aware you will need quite an area of surrounding pixels per pixel on you image for differentiation and other filtering. So, you may be facing with a conflict between many neighboring pixels and pixel size. This, apparently, indicates medium-format systems.</p> <p>Paul</p>
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