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Image Comments posted by jane_rickard





    To capture an image of something you don't always have to represent it exactly as seen to the eye. The gentleness and character of your dogs eyes shows clearly in this image despite it being two generations away from the negative.


    You have done well moving this portrait from film to digital, keep working within your vision.



    The flag does drive me a bit nuts, but it was the best frame of the group. The image was taken the day the Cubs clinched the division and things were hopping. I just turned turned around and did a 360 degree shot of everything around me at the moment and she turned up.


    Ken, Thank you for commenting .

    Making a key play




    It looks a little under exposed and I would bring up the sharpness a scrunch. But you are working up the field to get the faces you wanted to.


    Keep shooting and good hunting this weekend.

    Bullrider Down


    I have to fess up here, I'm in awe of what rodeo photographers manage to capture.


    Great stop action, color good, crop OK. I would love to know what you shot it with and your settings if you are telling.


    With drama like this to capture if it didn't involve going to hot dusty places you could almost convince me to give up hockey!


    What you are doing is very difficult shooting in a cave from the stands. Keep shooting Kari often looks up after a shot is taken and you can get his face. Hockey like other sports is about faces and passion.
  1. You have many things right in this image, color, focus and exposure. However I can tell you as a hockey photographer it is a classic "butt shot". Now, not all butt shots end up in your trash folder, this one certainly does not rate that treatment and it is the focus and power in your son's legs that lift it up from the ordinary. Most sports shots feature faces, but the body also can be a source of emotion and this is a good example. But be careful 99.9% of shots from this angle end up as trash, or at least mine do.


    Your son is lucky to have you on the sidelines to photograph him at this time in his life. Your family will cherish these images forever, keep shooting, these are the best of times!




    I'm trying to branch out into portraits this is an effort from last summer. It may not

    show his face but I think I caught him, can this be considered a portrait? Thank you.

    Fall Flowers


    You have done well. Good choice of subject.


    What do I like, the colors just knock me out. What don't I like, too centered, but that is also a fault of mine too.

    What would I do differently, move the subject over a bit so it is off center. Copy it and play with the cropping.


    Just keep shooting and posting!



    Hockey photography is tough, you have done well with the lighting and stop action. My biggest problem is with interest, hockey is a passionate game if you could zoom in and crop down to pairs the emotion on the Leaf's faces would show more.


    Have to admit it the image makes me wonder if what happens next...

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