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Image Comments posted by dragoslav



    a wonderfully funny 'snapshot' of a rare moment; just like meditating monks... Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work.

  1. good color balance; green, purple, and yellow. But more than anything your picture has answered a question I had:- last Sunday I was at a State Park and was surrounded by these butterflies, I am used to Monarchs and Sulphurs but did not know what these were....your picture has answered my question. Keep up the good work!



    tub needs either some visible water or water running out of the tap.

    In the right-center there is too much distracting images (particularly yellow/red) it moves one's gaze away from the nude and into "what is that yellow thing?".

    Since nude is drinking wine replace the conical metal thing and the urn with a bottle of wine (no label) but keep the steel pitcher.

    move the white curtain away so as to be invisible, OR show more of it. 

    Red Shutters


    Modern; the red wood, the white-outlined brown brick, and the mirror-like glass windows make this a provocative and evocative image. If it were mine I would 'photoshop' away what could be a face in the lower left window and the reflection of a light fixture in the same window.

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