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Posts posted by sjoerd_leeuwenberg

  1. <p>I have the G7 and am pretty happy with it to supplement the D90. But I wish I could use the SB-600 with CLS on the compact. The G11 also sounds amazing.<br>

    And about your nikon compact search, maybe this is what you are waiting for:<br>

    Well, wanted to post a link to a rumor site, but you will have to search for yourself or wait</p>

  2. <p>The DOF (Depth Of Field) determines how much of the image will be sharp.<br>

    When you have a small DOF and focus on an object in close proximity (like the flowers), the objects in the distance will be unsharp (some people even like this effect).<br>

    I see that the fuji camera has a very small sensor compared to the D90.<br>

    An aperture setting on a smaller sensor will have a much larger DOF than on a larger sensor like the D90. Also check out <a href="http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00URJn">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00URJn</a><br>

    Or search on the net for DOF<br>

    Maybe this was part of your problem, Good luck</p>

  3. <p>Jose, What contrast in that picture, and to comment on your focal length reply, maybe we can open a topic that maybe nikon can add an extension to the auto iso that takes focal length into account, or 2x ;)<br /> Per-christian, great timing<br /> Chris, very nice ... thing<br /> Rene, i like the layers of colors in the landscape<br /> Pedro, nice lights<br /> Shun, don't trip and fall down around these guys<br /> Lil, Great IR, Make a very interesting scene, a market with tourists and items for sale, interesting trees and an ominous sky. What are you missing that makes it not-perfect?<br /> Monika, nice forest, I always have the feeling these picture never come out as great as it looked. Too bad to hear about your trip, haha<br /> Robert, love the colors<br /> Erik, that must have hurt<br /> Matthew, wauw, great view<br /> Jeannean, the lighting is nice indeed, great bug too<br /> Ilkka, looks like a huge droplet, nice lighting<br /> Leo, nice droplet too, I like the reflexion (a building?)<br /> Aguinaldo, wauw, great colors, is that taken with three polarisers on top of eachother?<br /> Jim, nice smile<br /> William, Nice catch, i like the third animal in the picture.<br /> Carey, great lighting and composition<br /> Tim, great portrait of the animal<br /> Dieter, the fog in the distance is great, the bird finishes it<br /> Matt, great lighting<br /> Mike, your picture has something, It is on a stage right? Any group we could know?<br /> Charles, they look like they are flying into eachother<br /> Dan, sweet<br /> Thomas, interesting colors on the wall<br /> James, nice building<br /> Phil, that looks like a vertical panorama<br /> Filip, nice reflexion on the ferry<br /> Tony, nice landscape<br /> Mikhail, great picture<br /> ertugrul, great contrast<br /> Joseph and Ian thanks for the comments</p>
  4. <p>Rene, tim, Jeannean, Lil and Alejandro, thanks for the nice comments last week.<br />This week I have a picture from two weekends ago.<br />I went to germany to see my brother and family.<br />We went karting in the Michael schumacher karting center.<br />Besides the obvious karting pictures I also took some other pictures.<br />I was shooting the kitchen of the restaurant where there was some nice steam.<br />While I was shooting, a lady came in and started shaking one of the pans.<br />This resulted in a nice bowl of fire. I think she almost burned her hand.<br />The picture is not as sharp as I was hoping for but I like it anyway.<br />I wasn't able to comment last week, but the level of pictures was amazing again, well done everybody.<br>

    And to comment on janne's critique idea, I would also like to see a bit more of creative ideas about pictures,<br>

    because I think a lot of us are also here to learn. But it should not get out of control.<br />Picture is taken with the D90 & 80-200mm @ F6.7 80mm 1/90s iso 200 (I wish a put the iso on auto +/-800)</p><div>00URNq-171053584.jpg.31a4c513c2610e4b04525b009a1cc9ea.jpg</div>

  5. <p>Hi all,<br />Last week I promised a fish picture to Alejandro.<br />Mine has less nice lighting, but I like the shape of the water surface.<br />There were many fish and some just swam down, but you can still see the shape of their scales in the water. The picture was taken in a local zoo.<br />Taken with the D90 & 80-200mm @ 80mm F2.8 1/1500s</p><div>00UNfN-169339984.thumb.jpg.79492a970cf8f6f023aed63f0b50fdb5.jpg</div>
  6. <p>I was visiting germany this weekend, just took like a 1000 pictures for next wednesdays, so my comments are late again.<br />It was another impressive week, but I will just mention my personal favourites:</p>

    <p>Bernard, I like the angle you took on this much photographed building.<br />Chris, interesting picture, really makes you look back a few times to try and discover what it is.<br />Tim, makes me think of meeting mine, haven't seen her since januari<br />Joseph, great fog picture, very mysterious<br />Matthew, fantastic moon<br />Jeannean, great macro, I'm glad all your efforts got a nice reward. It is really amazing how many 'macro' opportunities there are everywhere around us.<br />William, great composition, great moment<br />Lester, my personal favourite this week, 3D in 2D<br />Jens, nice colors<br />Janne, interesting characters there<br />Aaron, very nice B/w, they seem to be very close.<br />Steve, Nice portrait, cannot decide if i like the B/W or color more <br />Paula, Looks like a dracula frog<br />Adam, how was the concert?<br />Josh, nice couple<br />John Kent, very strong look<br />Dave, what a view<br />Louis, nice picture of very ordinary items<br />Juan, nice rainbow<br />Tony, Interesting architecture<br />Pedro, these cheeses look like they are in good hands<br />sergio, great night shot, good timing with the light in the tent<br />John, nice colors<br />Ryan, great shot<br>

    Joseph, Jeannean, Lil, thanx for the comment</p>

  7. <p>to Lester,<br>

    wauw, your image really jumps of the screen.<br>

    I think that is what they call a 3D-image.<br>

    Great moment too.<br>

    The image really shows the qualities of that 85mm F1.4 lens and the guy behind it of course.<br>

    I will put that lens on my 'want but cannot afford' list. haha</p>

  8. <p>Hi, so many great pictures already, again!<br>

    Alejandro, your picture reminds me of one I took in the zoo some weeks ago, maybe I will post it next week. I like the light in yours.<br>

    I will comment on the rest in the 'commenting phase'.<br>

    My picture this week is a portrait I took of a friend of the family.<br>

    I took it to demonstrate to him the sharpness of the lens, but it turned out to be a nice portrait I think.<br>

    Taken with the D90 and 50mm F1.4 @ 50mm (duh) F4.0 1/350s iso 200<br>

    Have a nice day everybody</p><div>00UJjt-167819584.jpg.d753123aaa27d1819baaf9ec2fc4bee7.jpg</div>

  9. <p>To bernard,<br>

    About the 'commenting phase', I agree with you about that.<br>

    For me I like to wait until most pictures are added so I can take my time evaluating them and commenting. But usually I only have time for that over the weekend. I have been late with commenting some weeks and was even the last one for some weeks. However I am uncertain how many people will read them. And I think most people will not read the old post once the new week has started. You really have to go look for the older wednesday thread. It is also closed by then, so any re-comments can only appaer in the next one.<br>

    Maybe we should have a saturday commenting day. haha</p>


  10. <p>Jose Angel, looks like a nice place, too bad the door was closed<br /> Ton, Is that a coffin on the boat? I am also confused if it encourages or is against violence, nice picture anyway<br /> Mike C, nice highway, just the roadkill is missing<br /> Eric, very true, good find<br /> Chris, nice island, makes you wanna take a run and jump into the water<br /> Michael, interesting clouds<br /> Per-Christian, It's great how the sea is just melting with the sky<br /> Jeannean and Rick, nice lunch<br /> Leo, you are right, sometimes on the computer you think, if only, well, next time<br /> Ian, great lighting on that cathedral<br /> Roy, how did you get level with that plane?<br /> Matthew, wauw, the colours<br /> James, nice architecture<br /> Alejandro and Wayne, did you organize to post those leaves? amazing coincidence<br /> Kent, nice engine, do the tennisballs fly up?<br /> Erik, a public building with colours? never, I think you are messing with us<br /> Alastair, do you think he noticed the flash? haha, ooops just see you didn't use it.<br /> Ray, I see the dog, but would have passed by not noticing too<br /> matt, nice shoes, is nice to see the bricks going on almost until infinity<br /> Walter, nice bottle<br /> Paula, I like all the small bird watching the show<br /> John Kent, Are girls taking over blue from us now???<br /> Kim, nice beard<br /> Waldemar, what a story, you really went to a lot of trouble to get that picture and it shows, great shot, a dragonfly orgy, haha<br /> Amy, great view<br /> Eric Angelo, I think you have a dead pixel under that moon, haha, nice shot<br /> Dave, wauw the colors are amazing<br /> Ivan, creepy<br /> Lil, great that they found eachother, they look happy together. What are they looking at? The sunglasses are great. And thanks for all the comments, again.<br /> Janne, great shadow, looks like a fine lens<br /> Dieter, the sunset is great, the tree too, and i like the tiny people on the bench<br /> Adam, I see the elephant, funny<br /> Charles, nice view</p>
  11. <p>Great pictures already this week, I was also amazed by the fantastic pictures last week and so many great comments. I missed the comments of the troll, but the reactions were interesting. I left a big comment on that and on some pictures (at the end of the thread, again!), so if any of you are interested. I was just in time, because shun closed the thread just 16 minutes later.<br>

    Now for this week, I made a visit to a park that is close to my parents house and made some pictures. Taken with the D90 and Nikon 18-200 @ 62mm F9.5 1/180s</p><div>00UFkV-166303584.thumb.jpg.ae327a09fe9ce49eaf4ed41f31300332.jpg</div>

  12. <p>Hey, did we have a troll on the wednesday thread? Interesting.<br /> Did anybody take a picture of him, I've never seen a troll with a camera.<br /> He must have a camera with iso 100000, they live in the complete dark don't they?<br /> <br /> I really enjoyed that there were soo many 'nice' comments this week.<br /> A while ago there was a comment that people shouldn't criticise any pictures or so.<br /> And since then there were not always that many comments.<br /> I really enjoy getting comments, reading other people's comments and commenting on pictures myself.<br /> It is a big part of the enjoying and learning for me.<br /> Some people might not like giving comments because that would mean some are better than others.<br /> And I do agree some pictures are better than others, but that is not the point.<br /> I enjoy the diversity of the pictures, cultures and stories.<br /> Not commenting on all is normally more a question of time and what kind of picture speaks to the commenter.<br /> <br /> Especially Lil and for example Jeannean, Richard and Benjamin should be thanked for their kind efforts each week.<br /> <br /> I won't comment on all, because then I won't be done for the next wednesday, but just on the ones that jump out for me.<br /> <br /> Mike C, Where is the grill of the car? nice shed<br /> Alejandro, Jeannean, Tony and Kim interesting plants<br /> Mike O'Day, Looks a bit like the model train picture from a few weeks ago<br /> Bogdan and Ertugrul, nice culture<br /> Darko, very nice double portrait, too bad about the bar close to her head, or was that on purpose?<br /> Matthew and wayne, Nice tree<br /> Dieter, great character<br /> Pedro, I think I already saw that one some time ago<br /> Monika, Great moment<br /> Chris Nielsen, nice light<br /> Matt, My favourite this week, fantastic<br /> Jeff, great moon<br /> Chris Court, iPhone, haha, Funny<br /> Sasa, great beach<br /> Louis, Scary<br /> Curt, Do you always let her carry everything?<br /> Ralph, nice kitty<br /> Tim, great colors<br /> Jesse, I like bridges like that, good capture<br /> Paul, looks great, to bad it is so small<br /> Steve, nice wheather<br /> Ray, nice mountain<br /> Matt, interesting<br /> Sean, the colors of these buildings are amazing<br /> Waldemar, looks like an old postcard<br /> Tiffany, That must be something like an AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection) machine that is inspecting a chip-wafer, there is a macro camera looking very closely with surrounding lights.<br /> Thangavelu, nice waterdrops<br /> Geee, there is more<br /> Uzay, VERY nice<br /> Barry, geee, the muscles and veins are impressive<br /> Aaron, nice, did he collide?<br /> Jam, he must have been on a break<br /> Toni, nice classic<br /> Ryan, amazing colors, 50MB!!!<br /> <br /> And all newcomers and other posters (except the troll) WELL DONE!!!</p>
  13. <p>Hi all,<br>

    No birds yet? Just terrible stories about birds, I hope that will be better as soon as possible.<br>

    Then I will post a happy picture of a bird, a BIG bird. And he was showing me just how big he is. I'll keep my story short this week to compensate. haha<br>

    D90 + 80-200 @ 1/2000s F2.8 80mm<br>

    to per-christian: sad story, great picture.<br>

    ton, great character again<br>

    oskar, funny picture<br>

    Jose, I was too late to comment on the pictures from last week also, but they sure were all great</p><div>00UC3Q-164353584.jpg.b546b92b6ee411e49c1494167ad84a48.jpg</div>

  14. <p>Hi all,<br />This week I have a landscape picture.<br />It was one of those picture taking events that you have planned to do for a while.<br />The idea was to take some pictures and panoramas from the roof of a building.<br />My parents happen to have a nice house next to a river close to amsterdam in holland.<br />It's a pretty high house and with a flat roof. Sounded like a promising idea.<br />I wasn't allowed to go on the top of the 10 levels high apartment building where I<br>

    lived in eindhoven. grrr. My parents just had the roof rebuilt and made it higher and<br>

    I had to enter the roof from a small window in the ceiling. So first there was the<br>

    problem of getting some ladder that was big enough, but not too big. And then I had to<br>

    make some supports on the ceiling beams, because I wanted to make sure I was going to<br>

    be able to see the pictures later. Ok, that fixed, I was going on the roof, heavy<br>

    backback with lenses and an old gitzo tripod and some small levels. Up there it was<br>

    pretty windy and sometimes sunny sometimes cloudy, so the temperature changed a lot<br>

    and I had to stay away from the edges. The view up there was really nice, a whole<br>

    different viewpoint on everything, you can look to the horizon without a lot in the<br>

    way. I experimented a lot with the polarisation filter and some panorama shots, that<br>

    didn't really work out great because the 50mm and the 80-200 were not wide enough and<br>

    the 18-200 has a bit much distortion at those angles. The plan was to make the<br>

    panorama at different levels, like two rows high, but that didn't really work out<br>

    because the software kept distorting the stitches, trying to flatten everything. The<br>

    panorama with the polariser was also difficult, because of the wide angle and the<br>

    changing direction.<br />In the end some came out ok, but a bit flat for what I wanted, maybe I need a wider<br>

    angle. I also took a lot of normal pictures and for me one stood out. The polariser<br>

    made the clouds look nice and I also liked the view on amsterdam. I converted the raw<br>

    file with lightroom. I changed the white balance just a fraction and I used the<br>

    graduated filter to brighten the land a bit. I increased the exposure 1.6 stops in the<br>

    lower part. The distortion of the lens is still there. But I still like the picture.<br />Nikon D90, 18-200mm @ 18mm F8, 1/350s B&W polariser.<br />I hope you will like the picture and the (longer) story.<br />I'm sure there will be many great pictures this wednesday.<br>

    Geee, I just checked the hunderds of pictures there already. Christmas came early.<br />Chris, is this revenge for my complaints about the double dragonfly???</p><div>00U8E7-161853584.jpg.c427b1a8b19e7dd6bf55e062c7241fbf.jpg</div>

  15. <p>Some comments on the pictures this week:<br /> <br /> Chris, another wonderful dragonfly, but I am also looking forward to seeing other great (macro) pictures from you<br /> Per-christian, too much to drink last night?<br /> Shun, nice timing and shade<br /> Lil, nice IR (AGAIN), did you darken the sky?<br /> Alejandro & amy, Very strong look<br /> Susan, very close<br /> Dieter, lovely pose, great title<br /> Gary, she is looking at you with all those eyes, a real show off<br /> Waldemar, nice backyard<br /> Wayne, Nice selfportret, you make me think of an idea I had that maybe one week, everybody could send a selfportret or better a picture of themself 'at work' so to say, taking pictures.<br /> Ray & homer, nice catch<br /> Tim, interesting<br /> Robert, both hdr pictures shot at 1/100th?<br /> Phil, funny flying car<br /> Aguinaldo, the character fits the picture perfectly<br /> George, good timing, nice light<br /> Nick, is that the one that hit the titanic? or better, the other way around<br /> ken, interesting building<br /> Chanh, Nice contrast with the green, city, the mountains and the people walking<br /> Randy, wauw<br /> Rodger, how big is that one anyway?<br /> Ray yeager, nice shot<br /> william, lunch again<br /> Mikhail, fitting colors for the scene<br /> Hector, what a view, great shot<br /> Erik, what a great face for portraits<br /> jens, one of the most interesting bird shots, WITHOUT A BIRD<br /> Cees, Hi, I live in holland too, I like your picture, the sky is nice, but what I do see in your picture and in many of my own is that holland makes it hard to make nice landscape pictures, because a lot of the land (well, all of it) is soo flat, so you need to get a bit higher to get interesting land on it. just my view.<br /> <br /> And many great others, is an amazing collection, so diverse.<br /> <br /> Thanks for the following for commenting on mine: george; homer yep it is; richard very kind; lil thanx for commenting on so many pictures, I'm sure everybody must appreciate that a lot, I know I do.</p>
  16. <p>I don't know, but it is very annoying, i had to convert my 105mm F2.5 to AI myself to be able to use it on my D90. It is just 'leaving out' some plastic on the camera to make it fit.</p>

    <p>Are you still up, shun?</p>

  17. <p>I think that is the button that lets the camera know that the lens is at it's narrowest aperture. Only for non-G (no aperture ring) lenses. This is needed so the camera can have the full range of apertures available.</p>
  18. <p>hi,<br>

    @chis and jose rivera: superglue!!<br>

    At our trip to the zoo, there were many cute animals, this was one of them. haha<br>

    She was having a lot of fun.<br>

    D90 + 80-200 @ 200mm F2.8 1/3000s ISO200<br>

    I bet this will be another great wednesday</p><div>00U4P5-159469584.thumb.jpg.6fa58141144c3ee9886bc3ab8a96b4bd.jpg</div>

  19. <p>late again, as usual, have been busy with the house still.<br />Wanted to comment on some older pictures too:<br>

    My favourites from previous week 28: <br />bogdan, nice find, arash, great bridge, bruce, that portret really shows the power of the 18-200. rob shooter is that sky real? <br />thanx to benjamin, filip, mikhail and lil.</p>

    <p>My favourites from previous week 29: <br />lil, great ir, ton, great portret, bruce's schip<br />thanx to richard, gary, Arun s and lil.</p>

    <p>Now for this week, or is it last week already:<br>

    durukan, very unusual expression for a baby<br />kemal, show-off<br />wayne, jf zhang, nice lunch<br />ray, Ilkka it's amazing what they can do with that sand<br />thangavelu, beautiful portret<br />James, interesting curves<br />doug, his neck looks like a photoshop color selection tool.<br />brian, nice landscape<br />Chris, my favourite this week. Amazing closeup.<br>

    thanx to benjamin (No need for ton to run, he must have picked up plenty of colorful people at the pride in amsterdam, I missed it this year), lil.<br>

    see you all next week, well .... tomorrow</p>

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