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Posts posted by mark_t5

  1. <p>I would imagine that the established photographers don't really get much business from random strangers that got to their website from a web search. I would think most of their business comes from referrals and from other vendor recommendations..hence they don't really put much effort into SEO.</p>

    <p>but that's just me guessing.</p>

  2. <p>I list my starting price so i know that at least those emailing me asking for my full pricing details are within my price range.</p>

    <p>and i never understood who came up with the "investment" as another word for pricing... never really liked that term... to me it just sounds too much like a marketing bs coming from a used car salesman..</p>

  3. <p>while i did enjoy reading that article, i don't really agree with it to a certain extend..it sounded a bit bitter :)</p>

    <p>i still believe in the free market system.. if you offer something compelling, people will pay for it..</p>

    <p>if they are willing to go with the cheaper alternative instead of you, that just means that as far as the customer is concerned, your quality simply does not justify the price difference..whether it be the type of products or the type of shots you have..</p>

    <p>it is up to the photographer to show that they are worth the price that they are charging, and if you can't, then don't go crying about how the next door neighbor is stealing your business with a cheaper price tag.</p>


  4. <blockquote>

    <p>I'm very surprised you have been doing weddings with a Rebel. It's not giving you the quality images you want because it's not a Professional grade camera.</p>


    <p>thats rubbish... a rebel can do the job as well as any of the XD camera.. her problem is more likely related to her lens than the body.<br /> I use the 5dm2...and yet i rarely shoots above 400 iso.. i could might as well use a rebel and i wouldn't probably miss any of the shots... i might have to get a wider af-s lens to compensate for the crop factor but other than that i don't see why one has to go trashing the rebel as a "non professional" camera.</p>

  5. <p>I never negotiate my pricing. It is what it is. If they say they can't afford it, then I suggest to them other photographers within their range.</p>

    <p>Once you start negotiating it is just a pain in the butt...and you run into the "oh you did it for X so why you can't give me the same deal" type of cases.</p>


  6. <p>the 2nd one aint that much sharper either.. maybe its the lens..... have you tried shooting at a wider aperture? like around 5.6?</p>

    <p>any reason you are shooting at f9 at 17mm ? Do you really need that much dof?</p>

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