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Posts posted by natalie_l

  1. <p>I just wanted to mention last night I tried to edit a few, and was successful in recovering some of the highlights in the dress, but not all as suspected. Some pictures had problems, some werent bad, once I edited it in raw. I didnt get a chance to post add'l pics, but I will for you to judge (my daughter was up later than usual).<br>

    I noticed if I tried to alter/recover too much, the blown section of the dress would shade pink. I will upload a few tonight and message everyone here. Thanks again everyone!</p>

  2. <p>Hi everyone,<br>

    Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on my 2nd wedding this week. I'm shooting my 3rd wedding (for free) on Friday at a church in NYC which does not allow flash. I would greatly appreciate everyone's suggestions on my approach Friday. I'm going to take into great consideration all the feedback you provided on composition, framing, WB, OOF shots, exposure, et al.<br>

    I have not really tweaked my camera settings and was wondering what you recommend. I know I can /should consider altering picture settings, contrast, sharpess, etc. I always shoot in M, but do crank my iso up a bit too much. I need to learn or try not to so often. I'll keep an eye on my histogram to watch out for blinkies.<br>

    I realize this response may vary photog to photog, but I just wanted to ask the question.<br>

    What settings would you recommend I consider for my low/moderate lit church Friday, which doesnt allow flash. The reception is outdoors in a courtyard, with some shade and tents. I dont want to produce flat/dull images. Any thoughts and tips would be greatly appreciated.<br>

    Thanks in advance,<br />Natalie</p>

  3. <p>Jerry - thank you for reviewing my images and providing insight on framing. I'm shooting another wedding (for free) friday and all your feedback will be valuable in my next shoot. These are things I didnt entirely see. But reading your detailed post has been tremendously helpful. I'm seeing things differently. I cant thank you enough.<br>

    Raymond, I'm going to try your experiment before my next wedding Friday. The wedding reception is outdoors, so its crucial that I improve and stop blowing out the brides gown. Thanks for taking the time to help.<br>

    A SPECIAL THANKS to all the 20+ posts in the last few days. I really appreciate everyone taking the time to help me. I hope one day I can help each of you in some way (or another newbie).<br>


  4. <p>Thanks Harry!!! Thats really encouraging. I took a few dancing pictures holding my camera up higher. I'll try to avoid that. There were so many reallllllllllly tall men that I couldnt get good pictures. <br>

    I hope to continue to grow and take everyones feedback and attempt to apply it. </p>

  5. <p>Thank you Raymond and Scott. I did shoot in raw, I'm going to go back in tonight and edit the original images Raymond spoke of to see if it'll yield a better result. I'll change my camera settings to add the blinkies, because I clearly keep making this mistake. =)<br>

    Scott, thank you very much for your tips. I have LR2 and PS cs3. I will try all of your suggestions. I didnt even consider that my new macbook wasnt calibrated properly. Gee! Thanks. I must sound naive...<br>

    I truly want to improve and am really grateful to everyone for taking the time to look at my photos and provide feedback. Thank you!!!</p>

  6. <p>Thanks for your feedback. I tried something different and used my 50 1.4 part of the night/towards the end. I had trouble with the slow focusing. It was such a pain! Until I get the 50 1.2, I may retire the 1.4. Which could be part of the reason I had trouble focusing. I found some of the colors to be blah, I think I need to take a lesson on color correction (wb).<br>

    Camera fan, how would you suggest I change my b/w images so they look less flat? Is this something I can change in post processing change or would my composition/lighting have to be changed? I did have some trouble with the colors. I changed some of the white balance but I agree with the colors. You mentioned you let your lab do a lot of color correction, but if I wanted to do it, how would you recommend I do it? I think regardless of what the client says, I would still like to improve in every way. I dont "necessarily" care about making money on my work, I want to try to produce higher quality work.<br>

    I didnt realize I blew out the dress consistently, except if the bride was in bright light. I did try to adjust the exposure compensation. Is there anything more I can do to be better aware of not blowing out the dress?<br>

    Thanks for your feedback!!!</p>

  7. <p>Hi everyone,<br>

    I shot my 2nd wedding on Saturday in Long Island. I helped a good photographer friend as her second shooter. Here's a link to some of my pictures. I'd really appreciate your feedback and constructive criticism. I see I have a few issues watching my background outside (again). But I would be grateful for your insight!<br>

    You can access the album at www.princess-pictures.com. Click on Client Photos, Weddings, password<br>


    Thanks in advance!<br>


  8. <p>I own the 5dmk2 and a 50 1.4. If you are considering buying the 5mk2 or 501.2, I'd pick the 5dmk2. <br>

    The ISO (imo) is good up to 3200, which is ideal for low lit churches using a variety of lenses. Good luck!</p>

  9. <p>Hi everyone,<br>

    I was looking at albums online at this photography company. http://www.romeocreations.com/romeocreations/index.html#/michele---jeffry/<br>

    I noticed michele & jeffry's album had images which were steel grey and very processed. I was curious if anyone had an idea how this was altered. I'm guessing photoshop and was curious if anyone could make a guess as to specifically how it was done.<br>



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