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Image Comments posted by anthonyposton

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    I took of to the water hoping to get the sunrise reflecting in the nearby

    lake. Instead I saw this man and his son fishing and it was cold. They

    said their line and reels were freezing up. I turned out this shot! Thank

    you for any comments!

  1. I hope you do not take my critiques the wrong way, you are a very talented photographer without a doubt. I have been were you are and I wish people would have been more helpful to me. I do want to stress this is merely my opinion, your taste may be comepletly different than mine. Here your brackets and light are near perfect, I would have bumped my microcontrast up all the way while also bumping my micro smothing up to about 75%, Highlight smoothing to about 55% and shadows lowere but accordingly. This will bring your depth of field deeper. Your apeture may be a hair to open, but it works well. Please do not take that the wrong way. You really have some beautiful work, thank you very much for sharing.

    Anthony R Poston

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