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Posts posted by alan_kovarik

  1. I used tripod. 1/160 shutter speed, ISO 100, f4.0. And speedlite reflected from a foam board.

    I also tried to shoot some images with my kit lens with the same settings (I was manual focusing with both).

    The kit lens was much sharper (but I noticed It was set to f8).


    Here are some quick tests. My kit lens was probably se to a different focal length, but both images are 100% crops. I try to shot some better tests tomorrow.


    Upper image: 55mm Micro Nikkor



    Bottom image: my kit lens


  2. Hi. I just bought Nikon 55mm f/2.8 AF MICRO-NIKKOR. Ken Rockwell says its probably Nikon's sharpest lens ( and the sample images I saw on the internet are extremely sharp. However, the lens I bought is extremely soft. Its actually the less sharpest lens I had (even my cheap kit lens is much sharper). I have Nikon D3300. Where could be the problem? Do you think there is something wrong about this lens or am I doing something wrong? (Of course, I am focusing manually)

    I try to upload some images tommorrow.

  3. Is it possible to install picture profiles on Nikon D3300? I found on YouTube, you need to use "manage picture control" in menu, but I dont see this function on D3300. Does it mean this is not possible on this camera?


    I also have a second question. Where can I download some Nikon picture profiles for Adobe Camera Raw?

  4. Sometimes I photograph food and it would be awesome to have a live view on my computer when arranging the food. It would be also great if I could control the camera through the computer (maybe even manual focus) and if it would be possible to save photos on the memory card in the camera as well as transfer them to the computer.

    What software could you recommend me?

    I have Nikon D3300.

    Thanks for any tips.

  5. I am starting out with photography business, I think I have a nice portfolio and a few clients, but I want to get more clients. So I put together a list of potencial clients I want to contact I would like to write them an email first. I want to ask you, how would you wrote an introduction mail to possible client? I suppose "Hi, I am a photographer. I have an experience in event photography and I want to work with you. Look at my portfolio." wouldnt be enough, because they most likely recieve many boring mails like this :) How would you attract their attentions? Thanks for any tips ;)
  6. <p>I tried to install Olympus Capture tethering application and I tried to connect my old DSLR Olympus E-420 to a computer, but I cant see any live view on the computer. Does it mean the application is not compatibile with E-420 or am I doing something wrong? I used tethering with Olympus Studio 2 in the past without any problem, but Olympus Capture looks really great.</p>
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