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Image Comments posted by t37traveler

  1. I don't like to be negative, but...all I see here is a grossly underexposed photograph of what looks like a pretty boring wooded slope...There is no point of interest, and if there were, there wouldn't be enough light to see it. I cannot see good basic photographic techniques (other than the hill doesn't cut the picture exactly in half) or aesthetics displayed here. Whatever might be there for us to see, I guess I just don't see it....


    The blaze of light in the upper right seems overdone - it overpowers the rest of the picture and creates too much contrast with far too little detail for the viewer to easily see what the photo is about - unless you are trying to portray glare. I found myself wanting to squint at it on my monitor!
  2. This picture has a nice solid blue sky and very un-noteworthy terrain. Nothing catches the eye - it's really very boring. There seems to be a tiny dot in the center of the sky - is is the moon or something on the lens? I honestly am not sure, and that is not good. Objects that are supposed to attract attention in a photo must be large enough to be easily seen and recognized.

    Wisteria Cascade


    I am fascinated every spring by the beauty of wisteria and dedicate a fair amount of

    photo time to capturing the tiny blooms in a variety of settings. This is one of my

    favorites. Comments/suggestions? Thanks.

    River Side



    I was looking at this photo again and had to add another comment. The vertical shot is too long for my screen. As I was scrolling up and down to look at it, I realized that the top half and the bottom half this photo are each so strong and so well composed that you could cut it in half and have two wonderfully interesting and very different photographs. This can be said of very few photos and makes this one a real standout in my opinion.

    River Side

    I love the use of cold neutral tones - the strength of the very large barren trees, the repeating horizontal lines and the contrast of the delicate reddish brown grass in the foreground. NIce work - really portrays a mood.


    I think would like this photo a lot better without the use of the star burst and spotlight effects - or with added more artistic effects to the landscape. For some reason the blend of real and surreal doesn't quite fulfill its promise.

    Colorado Autumn

    Beautiful use of colors - warm tones of orange and yellow with cool blue of sky, of course, white snow. One of my favorite composition "formats" is the use of triangles; you have several trainglular areas, and they work beautifully together. Very nice piece of work!

    An Autumn Drive

    Great colors and nice contrast between the gray pavement and the autumn hues. I think I would like the picture better if you cropped the bottom (somewhere between the first and second "dot" in the dotted line) to eliminate so much foreground pavement. I think it takes away from the foliage even though the colors are a great contrast. (Too much of a good ting?) To my eye the centerline is more effective being a bit more subtle.

    Red Hot Poker


    So simple, yet so dramatic, at least to my eyes. Minimal digital correction - I shot at

    dusk, used the flash to light the subject and exposed for the foreground.

    Comments/criticism please.

  3. This is an angle most photographers won't get; I shot it from the front porch of my

    sister's home. I love sunsets, but most shots are very predictable. I thought this one

    had a little more individuality than many. Manual exposure, 300mm focal length with

    my D100, minimal CS2 enhancement. Comments/suggestions welcomed. Thanks!

    Hello World!


    Close-Up of a Queen Conch. I'm not sure which of us was more interested in the other.

    I wonder what he/she is looking at with her other eye stalk! This shot is uncropped

    with minimal digital enhancement. Any comments/suggestions appreciated.

  4. This is one of my favorite UW techniques - exposing for the foreground, getting the

    strobe light just right and high-lighting against a dark background. This shot is

    uncropped with minimal CS2 enhancement. Any comments/suggestions? Thanks.

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