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Image Comments posted by t37traveler


    Very nice composition and colors. I like the honesty of the background - clearly it is the lion house at the zoo. A blurred effect might make the two cubs stand out more....on the other hand, the variety of wood textures adds keeps the background from becoming an overly large empty canvas.


    Much better shot than the previous one with the mother bird there. There is less activity, less shrubbery in general less for the eye to take in here. The two hicks are very appealingly posed facing each other, making a nice foal ooint accented by those open yellow beaks. Good detail, nice natural composition.

    I love the mists and the muted colors... a lo of mood here. ..also a good composition idea to play with. The problem I see is that the bow of the boat and the overhanging tree limb are both exactly on the enter line of the picture. It would have been a lot more creative (and pleasing in my opinion) composition if those two points had been offset to one side or the other.

    Whip Snake 2

    Great use of depth of field to accent subject; love the colors; unusual pose and great clarity on the part you want to look at most, - snake's head. Very nice work!

    Sabia feeding

    The aesthetics would be a lot better if you had been able to get a slightly different angle. It's hard to tell at first that there are two chicks - it looks more like one chick with some deformities because the heads are so close and similarly colored.


    This just proves that the eye behind the camera is as important - or more important - than the eye in the camera. This is a stunningly beautiful photo.7/7 (I think you also deserve a 7 for equipment originality!) Nice, nice piece of work; thanks for sharing!

    Screech Owl

    This colors in this photo are so unusual; owls are usually photographed with dark or snowy backgrounds. Finding this one out and about in the daylight was quite a find. The feathery framing of the subject by the pine needles, the pastel hues of the background, the great eyes and coloration of the feathers = major WOW factor. Add your excellent "technicals" and you've got a 7/7 , and I'e got another favorite in my favorites gallery.

    figure of eight

    The only thing that keeps this photo from being a 7/7 is poor focus. A creature's eyes should always be tack sharp in the foreground. If the head were sharp, then some blurring of the feathers would work. It's a stunning and unusual pose, and the colors are terrific, but the image quality is not there.
  2. Atanas- Yes, I also felt that the photo was poignant. I didn't notice mama sea lion nearby and wonder if this little guy was old enough to be on his own. Sea lions have very expressive body language and make wonderful photo subjects. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.

    Sunset Strike


    Comments/suggestions on this shot of a Great Egret grabbing dinner would be

    appreciated. I was trying to place the egret in the context of the early stages of sunset

    just starting to color calm water. What do you think? Does it work? Thanks for taking

    the time to view/comment.

    Cleome Element


    Cleomes are one of my favorite flowers to photograph; they are large and structurally

    more complex compared to many flowers, offering multiple more photo-ops.

    Comments/suggestions on this magenta on black composition appreciated. Thanks for

    your time.




    Pink on black - dramatic, but over-done here, to the extent that the flamingo is no longer really pink... more like coral and orange. Too much saturation and contrast for my tastes, as much as I like flamingos. If this bird doesn't seem really brilliantly coral-colored on your monitor you may want to check the calibration; your colors may be appearing lighter than they really are. I assume the frame is a digital creation as well and that this is not a print. : )

    new year

    Beautiful lighting and colors. What strikes me the most is your composition. I don't know if you planned it or felt it intuitively; the repetition of two simple forms really ties the photo together against a simple, colorful background. The snow-laden pine trees echo both the colors and triangular architectural elements on the church steeple, but in the oppostite color concentration. Lest all those angles become too boring harsh, there are the lovely arched windows and undulating terrain to soften all those pointed objects. I also like the way your lens has tilted the large foreground pine toward the center of the picture drawing our eye to the church and darker sky color. Very, very well done. It would make a lovely Christmas card. 7/7 and in my favorites list.
  3. I really enjoy this photo, but am constantly wondering about the placement of the seal

    pup. Is there too much space at the front lower edge of it? I've played with cropping a

    bit, but then the seal seems too centered in the photo for my taste. Is the foreground a

    plus, a minus, or a neutral factor? This photo is not cropped. Comments/opinions

    greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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