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Posts posted by brian_bishop2

  1. <p>Hey Dan,<br>

    I'm set up on photoreflect.com as well, and so far I really like it. I's completely flexible and you can do whatever you want with it. Here's mine:<br>

    <a href="http://www.photosbybrian.photoreflect.com">www.photosbybrian.photoreflect.com</a><br>

    You can look at some of my pricing there. I would be sure to let customers know that a portion (you can decide for yourself whether to say how much) is going back into the program, and that the proceeds also help support your missions work. I do a lot of the same thing. Where are you going on your trip? Anyway, good luck! The Upward program at our church has been a HUGE success!</p>


  2. <p>Gary, Thanks for your input here. Like you I found the 50 1.8 focuses too slowly for any decent action shots, however it does provide more light for more static situations I.E crowd shots, cheerleaders bench shots etc. The staff shooter for the local paper carries remote strobes with him to local games and I've seen some of the effects you mentioned in his shots in the paper. You are also right in that there is no substitute for fast glass, the cookie jar is getting nearer to where it will pay for the 70-200 2.8 non IS version. For shooting sports, do you think IS worth the extra coin?</p>
  3. <p>Hey Y'all. I'm a newbie on Photo.net but I've been shhoting local HS b-ball for a couple of seasons. I shoot a Canon 20D. In my local HS gym, I shoot at ISO1600, f/3.5 (fast as I've Got) and crank the in camera flash up to +2. Shutter speed is usually at 250 or slightly higher. Occaisionally I'll crank it up to 3200 and speed up the shutter a stop as well. At these high ISO's there's some noise there, but I run it through the pro version of Neat Image. I also shoot in RAW, so i have more flexibility with exposure compensation and white balance after the fact. Also a little motion blur can add to the shot rather than being frozen solid sometimes (just my opinion). Here's a sample:</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>Hey Y'all. I'm a newbie on Photo.net but I've been shhoting local HS b-ball for a couple of seasons. I shoot a Canon 20D. In my local HS gym, I shoot at ISO1600, f/3.5 (fast as I've Got) and crank the in camera flash up to +2. Shutter speed is usually at 250 or slightly higher. Occaisionally I'll crank it up to 3200 and speed up the shutter a stop as well. At these high ISO's there's some noise there, but I run it through the pro version of Neat Image. I also shoot in RAW, so i have more flexibility with exposure compensation and white balance after the fact. Also a little motion blur can add to the shot rather than being frozen solid sometimes (just my opinion). Here's a sample:</p>

    <p> </p>

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