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Posts posted by yaacov_koren

  1. <p>Hello.<br>

    i own Hasselblad 501cm with A12 magazin.<br>

    when i load a new film to the magazine i pay attention that<br>

    the red/White magazine indicator start to indicate the film advance in approximately<br>

    frame number 6.<br>

    is this normal or the indicator start to show the frames advance from the first frame?</p>



  2. Hello.


    recently i purchased a Nikon "FM2n" for a backup camera.


    when i connect the flash, the flash ready light red lamp indicator in the view


    eye remind blinking in every status on the Shutter Speed Dial.


    pleas help me to solve the problem if it is.


    Thanks in advance.



  3. Hello.


    i tried to photo in my home studio with an external flash.


    the film ASA is 125.


    my camera is Nikon F90x (cannot set the shutter to intermediate size)


    the light meter measure f/13 when i set the speed to 125 on the light meter.


    waht is the correct seting i nead to set ?


    can i compensate by setting the +/- ?


    please help to understand.

  4. Hello.

    i'm new in studio lighting.


    i have a studio flash with assembled soft box.


    i stand the flash about 3-4 meters from the object.


    the background was a black sheet.


    i made the photo with 28mm lens.


    the camera distance from the object was between 2-3 meters.


    i measure the light with light meter (incident).


    i took the object in full figure and the background was

    the most object in the photograph.


    the problem was:


    overexpose !


    in another experience in the same pose but the background was white.


    the expose was correct.


    is there a deference measure depending the background?

  5. Hello.


    buyed a new Sekonic L 358.


    i set the dip switches 1 2 3 4 to ON.


    i set the meter to read a studio flash.


    i set the meter as ISO 125, and my desire shutter speed to 125.


    the meter reading resault (in incident position) was 13.


    please help me to understand what is it mean this value.

  6. Hello.

    pleas if someone know about this problem.

    i don't know if the problem is from my developing process or from the



    i payed attention that in my print photos, i have a few little

    scratching or white points (usualy in the dark background).


    usualy i shoot and develop with:


    Ilford FP4+


    HC-110 Dil B (Eropean ver, 1:9),


    Jobo developer.

  7. Hello.


    i developed my B&W film by my self and i send the film to printing in

    the lab.


    1. i shoot with Ilford FP4+ and rated it in the camera as 100.


    2. i developed with HC-110 dilution B - 1+9 (temperature 20 celsius),

    Fixer 1+4.


    the stop buth (water) and the Fixer temperature was directly from the

    tap (temperature about 24 celsius).


    i act exactly as the order says.


    chemicals - 9 minute (maybe i made a mistake and it was 10 minute,

    Stop bath - 2 minute,

    Fixer - 4 minute,

    Water - about 9 minute and chage the water every minute.


    the resaults was over contrast!

    (about 2 or 3 steps more, though very fine grain in the printing

    results, i think if the temprature was over 20 celsius the results

    was very grainy).


    is someone can tell me what wrong with this process causing the over

    contrast results?


    thanks in advance,


  8. Hello,

    i'm beginner in developing B/W film.

    please if someone can answer me.

    when i turn off the light and darken the room to start the developing


    am i must to pour the developer chemical and stop water and so

    on . . . in the darken room?,

    is it possible to open the small cap on the top to pour the liquids

    under light on?

    where is the time that i can turn on the light?


    thanks in advance.


  9. Please help me to understand.

    i'm using a light meter and one studio flash for portrait


    how i setup my camera when i measure the light incident on the


    what is the distance position for the camera standing by reading the

    incident meter results

    what is the difference of incident and reflected measuring light


    Thanks in advance.


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