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Posts posted by stacy_mckenzie

  1. <p>I have noticed the platform of change the law or deal with it a lot in this thread.<br>

    - people are trying very hard to change it all over the country. These things do not happen swiftly. It's like telling an African American in 1925, "if you don't like the law, do something about it or just learn to live with it and stop complaining."<br>

    - Blaming the lack of financial planning of her partner on Annie Leibovitz is somewhat unfair. She is dealing with the hand she was left with. So if we are going to linger on what Annie and Susan SHOULD have done, then it is fair to linger on what the American people/courts/government SHOULD have done about granting people with equal human rights.</p>


  2. <p>"However, I find it hard to understand how inheriting half of an estate has made her poorer."<br>

    - Because not everything in an estate produces money (such as property, especally property obtained in 2004 and held onto in the current market). But everything in an estate costs money; (in this case, property tax, estate tax, etc.). She might have done what she could to hold onto these things for a number of reasons. This is not simply a financial situation, it is an emotional one as well. To her, these things are obviously worth morgaging her work for. The point is that it is not fair that she should have to, while heterosexual couples will never even have to think about it.</p>

  3. <p>Here is another of these because as platform content providers<br /> become more embedded in our conception of service ubiquity,<br /> account takedowns are going to have become more ajudicated.<br /> a popular flickr photographer is gone, just / like / that.<br /> <br /> <a title="blocked::http://thomashawk.com/2009/01/how-would-you-feel-if-your-flickr-account-were-permanently-deleted.html" href="http://thomashawk.com/2009/01/how-would-you-feel-if-your-flickr-account-were-permanently-deleted.html" target="_blank" title="blocked::http://thomashawk.com/2009/01/how-would-you-feel-if-your-flickr-account-were-permanently-deleted.html">http://thomashawk.com/2009/01/how-would-you-feel-if-your-flickr-account-were-permanently-deleted.html</a> <br /> <br /> "One of the things that continuously pisses me off to no end is<br /> how capriciously and callously Flickr goes about deleting<br /> accounts with no warning. The latest example comes from Flickr<br /> user Shéhérazade. After paying for a Flickr Pro account and<br /> uploading photos to a stream on Flickr that had been visited<br /> over 150,000 times, Shéhérazade found that one day her account<br /> was in her words, "deleted without any reason or warning."<br /> According to Shéhérazade, when she tried to contact Flickr<br /> about the problem, "Terrence" from the Flickr Censorship<br /> Bureau (FCB) told her that her account had been deleted<br /> because it included photos that had not been taken by her.<br /> <br /> "Although at first Shéhérazade had said that all of the photos<br /> in her stream were taken by her, she later admitted that 10 of<br /> the photos in her stream were not taken by her. But it turns<br /> out that, according to Shéhérazade, those 10 photos were<br /> actually of her from a model session that she participated in<br /> and she claimed that she had rights to them as the model being<br /> photographed. Now apart from whether or not Shéhérazade<br /> actually has legal rights to those photos, what pisses me off<br /> here is just that Flickr without warning continues deleting<br /> user accounts. "</p>
  4. crap, that is good to know thanks.

    I have sold two photos so far with them. Not much in the grand scheme of things. The pics usually sell from anywhere from $50-100 on average and you get 50% of whatever it sells for. Not the best rate out there, but really good for someone who isn't exactly a pro.

    Besides you don't have to pay for the membership, you get to upload 12 images for free. My experience with them has been good so far, mind you I have only been on the site for a couple of months.

  5. I am not trying to plug or anything, I just kind of wanted to pass opportunity info along. One of the sites that

    I use called fotoLibra.com (it's based in the UK) has been posting a lot of photo calls lately for some pretty

    random stuff. If anyone is interested in submitting your stuff for profit, go check it out. I hope the tip is


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