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Image Comments posted by ellery_chua___singapore

    Girl Looking Up


    You get good marks for geting the expression right.


    You however have not gotten it right in the pose. The shoulder look awkard 'cos the arm was position wrongly.


    Lighting is passable may not be the best for her. There is a lot of shadow areas that do not seem to serve a purpose for this.

    A good try but could be nettter.


    Ok despite the lost in saturation because of the flare.If you darken the fore ground a little and crop off a little fore ground this would become much better.

    kiss in the park

    good capture of the event. Suggest that you look bext time at the background and fore ground and also the angle - the groom is naturally chubby but imagine he might like to look lighter in print.



    I feel it may be too soft even for the mood even for the baby smooth skin tone. The ring detract heavily, the finger nail in the shadows also make a view wonder if the printing was done as well it could have been.


    Idea behind this seems sound. What does the original unsoften look like ?

  1. Lovely piece of work. On the original I could live with the sweater but the high light on the chair in the bottom right hand side it really distracting. The revised one probably shows this in its full glory.


    Once again well done. The classical feel is really there in this shot.



    Good show. Hmm 2 possible places for improvement - a tighter crop to show only a leaf and the droplets and a sligt shift in the expsoure to make the droplets really glitter.



  2. One of the hall marks found commonly in many first rate sports shots is that the background is well controlled - it is either nicely blurred off or the various out of focus elements are arranged in a more pleasing manner. Currently yours then to draw attention to wonder what is going on behind the kicker.


    As the previous poster said u need to do yr homework or it will remaind make believe.


  3. Eden,


    I suspect that for editorial work there is some interest in the environment which your subject is in. using a flash at night means that you could tidy up like crazy but it also makes for a sterile setting that could have been in the studio.

    Fire Eater




    The image on the screen seems to lack in clarity. it could be that there was some softening at scaning. The compo make a nice snap shot but if the fire eater is the main subject this may have too much background distractions.



    I suggest that a close crop be done if u must go withthe full body -


    1. make the loin cloth flatter and more wrap around - at the risk of sounding a little crude it looks a little suggestive since it poking up like so.

    2. darken the tone either by selection of material or burn that baby in.


    Face expression - something does not seem right - suggest a little closer looks at a whole lot of cross would be a good place to start.



    I think you need to work on the lighting - I see 2 cake shadows which is not necessary a good thing. There needs to be some work on the contrast there should be more it a lot like greys only not real blacks or whites.


    Timing may be off - the smoke trails are nice but nicer still would be smaller trails but a tinge of ember glow.

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