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Posts posted by jorge_gasteazoro

  1. In regards as to how to put the film holder with the BTZS dark cloth

    is easy, the cloth has a velcro strip running along the entire lenght

    of the cloth, once you have focused you rip the cloth open and drape

    it over the camera, it protects the exposure against pinhole leaks

    and you dont have to fight with it in windy situations, unlike the

    horse blanket.

    My only complaint is the same as everybody elses, I dont understand

    why they chose a waterproof material, in winter you get condenstation

    in the gg, in summer is about 200 degrees inside the cloth.....but is

    definetly better than the horse blanket, I used to have a zone VI,

    now I use it as a reflector.....

  2. Dan, I think we need to give Jim a rest and continue the thread

    somewhere else, maybe in the news group.

    In respect to your post, I agree with you (big surprise being a LF

    fotog myself) but lets face it, DeWolf and all these other people are

    just trying to drumm up business for themselves, When I first read

    the article I dismissed it right away and now I am wondering why I

    got sucked into this discussion. The article is a self serving piece,

    lacking depth and I saw it more as a piece of advertisemnt than

    a "real" article. If anything I think we must be more concerned with

    Simmons's choice of article and ask ourselves why he keeps running it

    in his two magazines? If his magazine is titled the Journal of Large

    Format Photography, why is he running this c**p?

    As a chemist I have never seen the ACS Journal run a piece without

    explanation, background and examples, so lets face it we LF fotogs

    are in a tizzy because of what one self serving snake oil salesman

    said in a run of the mill magazine. Maybe WE are the fools for paying

    attention to this guy, if anything he accomplished his goal he got

    some of us curious.

    In the end I think those of us who enjoy LF and darkroom work will

    keep on working like this, and those who are itching to try

    piezography can't wait for the prices to go down, or to win the

    lottery. In any case we will not decide this here and I doubt we will

    change the opinions either way.....

  3. Bob I hate to agree with the other posters. Although your help and

    knowledge with respect to Linhof is very valuable, this is the second

    time I have seen you give this response to someone who is apparently

    wanting to know information on how to change the "shape" of an object

    in the ground glass by using movements. Ok, so some people are not as

    precise as you would like them to be, but maybe inquiring about if he

    wants to change "shape" rather than "perspective" would be a little

    more polite, and since you are taking the time to respond, why not

    include a brief explanation and or a usefull tip. e.i. Pancho look up

    the book view camera by leslie stroebel, his and many other view

    camera books will explain to you how to change the shape of an object

    with camera movements.

    That's all for me folks!

  4. Steve, I checked out your web site and saw the proposed schedule for

    the conference. I think you managed to put togehter a good

    representative sample of LF work. My only suggestion would be to

    include some kind of round table with the manufacturers so that we

    can hear their view as to where do they think LF is going and what if

    any plans they have for the far future. If you extend an invitation

    and they decline to show, then we all will know where we stand with


    I beleive that as LF practicioners we are sometimes too timid,

    everytime a manufacturer does away with a good product all we do is

    shrug our shoulders and start testing other materials to replace the

    one we liked. If you give them an opportunity to speak and (God

    forbid!) answer some questions, maybe we will not be so worried.

    Heck even if they say " folks we will be doing away with LF film in

    10 years" it would still be good, at least it would let me know I

    better start learning photoshop and what all those little buttons in

    my computer are for!

  5. I just shot and tested some 8x10 and it is very nice! Developed in

    pyrocatechin it has a very long tonal range, I was amazed at the

    depth of the blacks! Unfortunatelly I needed more developing time and

    my prints has very low contrast, but overall it seems to be a very

    nice film that is tempting me to move away from Tmax 100......I need

    to do more testing but what I saw I liked. BTW I shot it at 40 EI.

  6. Tim, then we are in agreement. Actually I think with digital you do

    have better control of the local contrast and middle tonal ranges

    since it is so easy to build masks etc. Something that in the

    darkroom might take a few days, in the pc takes a few hours. With

    piezography the technology has not found a way to translate what

    people saw in the monitor to a hard copy. I think this is great but

    lets not get carried away and ask people to throw away the LF cameras!

  7. Tim, although I also find Michael's post a little self centered I

    have to disagree with you and I CAN argue with DeWolfe! You

    apparently did not read the article in ViewCamera, in it DeWolfe

    states that piezography is the equal of platimum printing and better

    than ANY silver print! If he had said " I feel piezography is the

    best medium to express MY art" then I would have no problem with him,

    and/or you, but he actually states how much better piezography is

    than any other medium, so c'mon, how can you defend this position?

    Since DeWolfe teaches workshops with this system I get the feeling he

    is just trying to drum up exitement for the process so that people

    will take his course by making these outrageous statements. Reminds

    me of the snake oil salesmen of yore!

  8. You are looking at a decent deal, I figure about $250 for the lens,

    250 for the camera body and you are getting the rest for free. So as

    to the money is not bad. You did not mention what model cambo it is,

    so you might have a hard time finding accessories specific for the

    camera, as I said depending on the model, but I have seen on E bay

    always some kind of Cambo deal or accessorie, so I would not worry

    too much about this.

    As to the quickload film back, if you buy it new it should fit your


    Good luck!!

  9. I have a Gandolfi 8x10 and I find it very easy to put in the 1570M,

    my procedure is to tilt the pan head all the way forward and screw

    the camera in. Takes me 1 minute to do, but if you are set on using a

    quick release, I would use a Linhof, it has a bigger surface area

    than the Gitzo and you can screw it to the camera with a hex key, it

    will never move....:-)

    I hope this helped.

  10. Andy, I also made a search and could not find a web site for him, so

    I guess he does not have a site. I did see his article on the

    piezography web site and some of the pics he shows, they are nice, of

    course in screen resolution is hard to tell, but to tell you the

    truth I have seen better scans and the pics, although very nice, were

    not somehting I would open my wallet for.

    Also in my search I found other sites that were showing people who

    are printing with piezography and it confirmed my initial suspicions,

    although the process might be wonderful, is all in the hand of the

    artist. Some of those prints looked like crap...worse than freshman


  11. Hi all, I need some help since I have never done this, if I remove the front element or rear element of a lens to obtain a different focal lenght, how do I know what F stop it is? I suppose the f stop changes since thr ratio of the aperture to focal lenght has changed, but how do I calculate it? does anybody have a formula or method out there? I would greatly appreciate it if you guide me on this!

    Cheers and good shooting to all!

  12. Andy, who cares? at screen resolution even if his prints are the best

    thing since sliced bread, they will still look like any other print!




    Brian, thank YOU! I was wondering all this time wether it was

    wishfull thinking on his part or if it really was that good of a

    process! Since you have seen his prints and although as you said they

    are very very good, they are not anything better than say a Sexton or

    a Baer. You just clarified everything for me and confirmed my

    suspicions, I think that with piezography he probably has more

    control over the local contrast, middle tones, etc....you can't get

    any more white than paper white, or any more black than solid black,

    so comparing the output of a printer without the Cone software and

    the inks, then probably the piezo print is that much more

    outstanding, but to go as far as saying " as good as a platimum print

    and better than silver" I really don't think so!

  13. I think it has to be the back, I have a TK45 and a hasselblad, when I

    compare the negatives the ones from the TK45 are much sharper than

    those from the hassie, even though the ones from the hassie have more

    contrast, the reason I think they "appear" sharper. So beleive me,

    the 4x5 should be sharper, even with cheap lenses, I sometiems use a

    Nikkor 210 w, and although the contrast is horrible the negs from

    this lens come out sharp as ever....good luck.

  14. Sal, I have had a Type one for many years, about 10, and the foam

    seal still looks like new! I imagine the one you saw is probably a

    demo at the store being mishandled. Beised zone VI carry a lifetime

    warranty, so dont worry, if it crumbles then call them and ask them

    to either send you one, or that you are sending the head for repair.

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