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Posts posted by gabesouza

  1. <p>Hamish - nice deer<br>

    Rene - beautiful pheasent.<br>

    Jens - nice shot of Venice<br>

    Erik - nice street shot as usual.</p>

    <p>Here's my shot. Taken of the judges at a local talent show.</p>

    <p> </p><div>00Sn3P-117211584.jpg.50940c90ca54aa93081def104669d5c8.jpg</div>

  2. <p>Steven,</p>

    <p>You shouldn't have any problems. When I had my D80 and that lens I was able to mount it on a tripod many times with just the camera supporting the lens. On a monopod a couple of times also. I had the same initial fear you did, but didn't run into any problems.</p>

    <p>That said, I don't have that lens anymore, I got the two-ring one with the tripod collar and that does feel a little more secure so looking at the collar from Kirk may eventually be a route you want to go down, but you certainly won't damage anything by what you want to do.</p>

    <p>Best of luck!</p>


  3. <p>Gary McGhee - I love that shot! great composition and angle.</p>

    <p>This week's is an eery looking house found on the side of one of the smaller highways here...shot in color but converted to B&W in PS.</p>


  4. <p>Hey folks! Nice film shots...I especially like Jose's, Ian's, and Kent's, and Hasse's.</p>

    <p>Rene - nice capture...very good for a short lens.<br>

    Hammish - very warm scene. I'd want to be as close to the fire as I could.<br>

    Richard - very nice. I like how the eyes just draw you in.</p>

    <p>I'm away from my laptop right now so I won't be able to post till a little later in the day, but wanted to point out those exceptional shots!</p>


  5. <p>Hi all - another week under us and time for Wednesday again. Excellent contributions so far, a few stick out.</p>

    <p>Jose - nice low-light shot. can be difficult to do.<br>

    Hideyuki - nice, shallow depth of field. works very well for the photo and I would never have known they were in a zoo!<br>

    Rene - very interesting bird, never seen it before. maybe you should watch TV more often!<br>

    Kent - another excellent Detroit shot<br>

    Hasse - love that shot. great work!</p>

    <p>This week's contribution is from a fundraiser for the local school with the Harlem Rockets comedy basketball team. Not quite the globetrotters, but they were still quite good.</p>

    <p>I them showing the little kid how to spin the ball. Hope everyone has a great week and I look forward to many more shots!</p>

    <p> </p><div>00Se6J-113109584.jpg.dc63bc6e994871720b73ce49fe3b337f.jpg</div>

  6. <p>Hi Randy,</p>

    <p>I just finished upgrading my push/pull to the two ring version and I am very happy I did. The push/pull is optically excellent (on par with all the other great Nikkors) and I actually like the fast operation of the push/pull style zoom.</p>

    <p>However, the AF speed of the two ring version I find to be MUCH faster and quieter than that of the push/pull. I used the push/pull successfully paired with a D80 for night football games and came out fine, however I think I would have had more keepers with the faster focusing two ring version.</p>

    <p>Also, as Rene points out, the new one has a tripod collar which is very useful. Should you get the push/pull, Kirk makes a tripod collar for that one has well. Oh, and one thing more, the two ring seems to me to be slightly physically smaller than the push/pull.</p>

    <p>Good luck in your decision.</p>


  7. <p>Jose - I envy your for the look of the warm weather! I'm afraid that is not the case here.</p>

    <p>Hideyuki - welcome! Wonderful pic of the hot air ballons. I look forward to seeing many more from you. Oh, and keep trying for that D3...who knows?</p>

    <p>Rene - The price of the D3 is down to $4400 USD at B&H, so.....(just trying to help you out Hideyuki!)...but wonderful shot of the fireworks and the hot air ballons. I always admire those types of shots but they are rarely executed as well as that.</p>

    <p>Hamish - nice scene to mix it up a bit.</p>

    <p>Pedro - that is an amazing shot!</p>

    <p>Richard - beautiful bird</p>

    <p>Now for my contribution. Nothing much spectacular but someone had to document some of the record snowfall we've been getting. Taken Monday morning after the most recent snowstorm that dumped 29 inches in some areas and left 150,000 people w/out power.</p>

    <p>This is our normally bustling Main Street now a Winter Wonderland after everything is weighted down with heavy snow.</p>

    <p>Great shots everyone! and have a great week!</p><div>00SZSf-111593584.jpg.6d2ef8be8e0b5da7be4d4ee6550c5c1d.jpg</div>

  8. <p>I work with a photographer who still uses a D70 for weddings and produces excellent results. I think you'll be happy with it's performance and capabilities. Sharing memory cards and batteries will also be very convenient.</p>
  9. <p>David,</p>

    <p>As Richard said it's just not conceivable or physically possible to fit within the categories of size or price for a lens. If there were such a lens it would be so heavy no one could hold it and so expensive only Bill Gates could afford it. But it would be nice if they could!</p>

    <p> </p>

  10. <p>Thank you, Lil. Your goldfinch is absolutely stunning! Enjoying that D700? What's not to love? Although for your shooting, do you find it somewhat limiting not having the crop factor that is, till you get used to it?</p>
  11. <p>Good morning all - great shots this week, nice winter landscapes and I especially like the civil war shot. Ian - your's of the late afternoon sun rays is great too. Makes me feel like I am there.</p>

    <p>This week's shot was taken yesterday, cloudy day due to the incoming foot of snow blizzard (at least it hasn't snowed in a week) I liked the look of the lonely cabin sitting back nestled into the woods.</p>

    <p>Have a great week everyone!</p><div>00SUid-110361984.jpg.2518c227709cd897e45435302d81ff78.jpg</div>

  12. <p>Lex,</p>

    <p>To answer your question...I work for a newspaper and they could give two craps about bokeh before other parts of the image. The image needs to be sharp and well-exposed, but in general not too many people care about bokeh. I use the D2H and if I have to go to 1600 ISO and get noise that's fine, just make sure it's sharp, so no, to answer your question, my editor doesn't even look at bokeh.</p>

    <p>Take care and good luck with your problem John, I'd say it's pretty normal.</p>


  13. <p>Ian - Glad to hear the emergency is subsiding and the snow is melting. My best goes out to those afflicted where you are and also in Australia as we wish for the speediest recovery humanly possible in these very hard times for those people.</p>
  14. <p>Hi all! As usual great images from everyone...some favorites<br>

    Jose you just make me think of summertime when the living is easy...very nice!<br>

    Hamish - I like your focusing technique. It creates an interesting shot.<br>

    Andy - Very creative ring. Well done.<br>

    Kent - Who says it's not among the best? That's a great moon!<br>

    Ian - very nice snow-covered cottage. How are you dealing with the snow? Any states of emergency declared?<br>

    Richard, Doug, Keith, and Rene, great bird shots.</p>

    <p>Now for my contribution...shot the State Wrestling Match this week and captured some great emotion from the victors. Here's one.</p>

    <p>Have a great week all!</p><div>00SQFQ-109303784.jpg.dc173bfa4c1ae9fae2be8f07c3dd0e1c.jpg</div>

  15. <p>Thank you, Hamish! Yes, the light in the winter is amazing. The morning, and even the evening colors that are cast can be just gorgeous. Now if they can just flip seasons and make all the beautiful weather in the summer....hey, at least it's up to -7F this morning!</p>

    <p>Beautiful love birds, Richard.</p>

    <p>Great week for photos everyone! as usual</p>

  16. <p>Thank you very much Richard! I saw that morning light and knew I wouldn't get it again in awhile.</p>

    <p>I must say your shot of the beautiful land of Thailand simply makes one lust for such a climate! Especially after being up here in the freezing cold...your colors, especially the shades of green, as well as the composition, are truly srtriking...well done!</p>

    <p>Hamish -great colors and light as Bernard mentioned<br>

    Shuo - continued nice street photography work<br>

    Jose - I find it fun experimenting also and you certainly garnered some success here with your experimentations. Good job!<br>

    Everyone - amazing shots this week...If I had time to compliment all I could easily do so, but let me just say this keeps getting better each week after each week and I always feel humbled after seeing the wonderful shots here.</p>


  17. <p>Hi all! Great shots so far, I especially like the portrait of your father, Kent!</p>

    <p>Saw the ice on the trees so I ran outside, despite the -22 fareheit temperature, and this is what I came up with.</p><div>00SL3o-108227684.jpg.b23cdb1a80de1a5fa5877eaddfddc178.jpg</div>

  18. <p>Hi Laura,<br>

    I'm another one who thinks that your 80-200 would be well-suited for your application. 2.8 is a fine apeture (even if you get the 50 f/ 1.8 you'll probably stop it down a tad for sharpness and DOF) and if your in the bleachers, or if you get to be near the court, on the baseline yet farther away from the basket, I'll think you'll have good luck.</p>

    <p>My set-up for basketball is a Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 on my D90 and my 80-200 f/2.8 on my D2H, ISO usually around 800-1600, and I get great exposures all the time in poor lighting with a 2.8. I try to keep the shutter at no lower than 1/320, but I'm fine with 1/250 if I need to be, as hand-holding is not a problem for me.</p>

    <p>So if I were you I would stick the 80-200 on one of your bodies and try it out, see how you like it, still get the 50 if you want it and then you could use two bodies and ensure you got the shots you needed.</p>

    <p>Best of luck and have fun,</p>


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