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Posts posted by guendanadxi

  1. <p>Convert your camera to IR and you will regret it for life!! <br>

    You will get hooked on IR and end actually using more your IR modified camera than your regular cameras...<br>

    At least thats my history :P<br>

    I bought my filter on lifepixel and did my conversion by myself (sending my camera to lifepixel was really expensive and out of the question... the whole process involved taking the camera apart and replacing the hotmirror filter infront of the sensor and then adjusting the autofocus on the camera body).<br>

    I bought the "Enhanced color IR filter" (thats around 665 nm), I like it because it gives me the choice between going to false color IR or BW IR on post processing.</p>

    <p>Hope this helps,<br>


    <p>PS: If interested, you can see some of my IR images on <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/guendanadxi/sets/72157623629981509/">flickr</a></p>

    <p><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3079/4614726355_520e8f0456_o.jpg" alt="" width="650" height="435" /></p>

  2. <p>Hi ! !</p>

    <p>You know, a household trick with treads is to rub the thread with a pencil (thats with the graffite tip).<br>

    Works well with regular screws, (never used it myself on my filters as I never had the problem...) maybe its worth a try, certaily seems less messy than using grease...<br>

    Hope it helps,</p>



  3. <p>I have read that hotspots will depend also on the particular lens that you are using, some lens seem to be more prone to show hotspots and some others are less prone to that... <br>

    A good resource on IR and on lens flare with IR photography can be found at:<br>

    <a href="http://heim.ifi.uio.no/~gisle/photo/ir.html">http://heim.ifi.uio.no/~gisle/photo/ir.html</a></p>

    <p>Hope this helps :)<br>


  4. <p>Depending on where do you live, sending your camera to IR conversion can be affordable or not...<br>

    I just did my hot mirror filter replacement for my D80. Not exactly a piece of cake, but its doable. Be aware that you need to readjust the focus for IR if you replace the filter yourself. Some of the pics I have taken with the converted camera are available on my gallery, if interested.</p>



  5. <p>I always wonder on this threads...<br>

    Do you really think that a thief would care about the model of your equipment?<br>

    The idea of gaffers tape never have really convinced me. At least on this part of the world, I would think that other factors have most importance on the fact that you are clearly marked as a possible target of robbery. <br>

    If you are not into photographic equipment, all slr would look the same, i think...</p>

  6. <p>I dont think so, I see two reasons for this:<br>

    1. Marketing! Companies will continue selling equipment intended to different "niches" <br>

    2. Cost... Cutting edge technology cost more and not everyone can/want to pay more for this extras if they dont need them</p>

    <p>Anyway, just consider that whatever your equipment is, with all probability is better than any equipment available to professionals 5, 10 years ago... Your most important upgrade will be on the way you take pictures, in the way you see, understand and capture light...</p>

    <p>On digital, software is akin to the darkroom, so its also important as you develop your own workflow. But the infamous phrase "junk in, junk out" its still valid. At some point you will have to decide where do you want to spend more time, behind a computer or behind the camera. I aim for the 2nd option, but its a matter of what do you enjoy. :)<br>



  7. <p>Congratulations!<br>

    I would recomend that you wait until your "baby" grows up... :)<br>

    I mean, wait until you find a real limitation on your gear before buying an additional lens, that way your needs and budget will help you to decide whats best for you. <br>



  8. With respect to the original question, I think it has been answered in full, under those circumstances we chose to think: Cover your

    butt, its not as if you were obliged by law to report that and you lack the expertise to notice odd things, more competent and

    designated people will notice and do something about...


    it makes me wonder, too how people assume that "If these students are in an environment where they are seen daily by

    mandatory reporters, their teachers, then don't you think they see the same signs you do?"

    that's why domestic abuse still goes on, everybody assumes that if it happens anyone else will notice and do something about it.

    After all, you are not obliged by law to do something, right?


    According to an early post on this thread, common sense is useless unless its acompanied by a medical degree to recognize the

    methodical slashes of cutters, or other signs of abuse, self inflicted or not...

    I agree that the quick visual that a photo provides is in no way a solid fact, but then, again, when we retouch a portrait, we are able

    to get a close up on the subject, even if its a brief one...


    If Jen feels like doing something about that (I think she never asked about that....), I agree with all the people that stated that

    talking with her boss is the most sensible thing to do first, and move from there...


    As for the 2nd part of the OP, I think is deeply related to the eternal issue about photography being a representation of reality and

    as such we can choose how much we want to modify that representation to our personal taste... You are not facilitating falseness,

    you are suiting the portrait to the taste of the client and they are the ones choosing what they want, thats a personal desicion.


    (sorry for the long post) L.

  9. Not sure why its never mentioned, but the nikon 35mm (that would roughly coud be translated to 53mm on a DX...) f/2 is a

    great portrait lens, is fast, have a short minimmum focal distance and has a good bookeh, as far as i am concerned...

    Would be around 300 USD.


    I have one and I love it! !



  10. "As far as I'm concerned, if anyone wasn't around in the old days of photography, they don't understand photography."


    Wooow, man, you must be really old if you were around the days of Daguerre, Niépce and the others! :D


    Or maybe Talbot, Archer, etc? :P


    Ok, ok... Maddox & Eastman? :D



    hehehe, Well I would go back to hug my tree ;)



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