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Image Comments posted by dimitaretch

    Avefría I


    Very lovely subject! This is a difficult shot that you have done very well - good exposure, nicely composed. The pile of snow in front is little distracting but very often things happen fast and it is hard to control.







    Thank you Christine, Giangiorgio and Jill!


    Actually the fish was dropped by the first eagle and after I took the photo, the second eagle picked it up. :) However for a short moment it appeared to be "flying". :)


    “Rush Hour” would be a great title. :)




    Great shot - very sharp with great colors! I took quite a few photos of these gorgeous birds this summer here in Chicago. Since it got cold they all flew away - I know where they are now. :))







    Thank you Monte!


    Thank you David!

    I specifically planed to get the images on a sunny day because my new lens is little slow – 5.6. The light for this shot was little harsh – I took the photo around noon. This is why it was little difficult to deal with the contrasting withes and blacks – I did some PS adjustments – curves and levels. The rest of the photos were taken very early next morning and are much better, evenly lit.


    Hi Kathy,

    I don’t know much about the DA 55-300mm other than it has good reviews on the web and people seems to like it – so congratulations. All my equipment is Canon and I never had a chance to shoot with Pentax. I am very happy with the 400mm which performs very fabulous when there is enough light. I wish you that the new 2009 will bring you the desired upgrade – 400mm or even 500mm!!! :) As Monte and Sinh mentioned some time back the length can never be enough when it comes to bird photography.


    Thank you Sumon!


    Thank you Stoil!




    Thank you Sinh!

    That's is with my new Canon 400mm f5.6. :) I appreciate your and Monte's help in making the decision for this purchase!


    Merry Christmas and Happy New 2009!





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