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Image Comments posted by wesleyfarnsworth

    Writer's Block.




    This photo is a good start. Your light bulb appears to be in focus and the lighting is good. I like the reflection in the surface below the bulb it adds nice depth. You have to much dead space on the right. It could be cropped down alittle. But like I said it's a good start!



    Long way to go.

    I like the way you used the curves in the bridge/walkway. I would have cropped out alot of the extra room above the walk way and added alittle to the bottom of your photo to show the foot you cropped off. Also I would have added a little bit of walkway to show progress as your title is long way to go. That would have given us the idea that he has made some progress but has a "Long way to go". Your lighting is good the photo could be lightened up alittle if you wanted but it's ok the way it is. Overall good work. I look forward to seeing more as you post! Congrats.


    I like the lighting and camera angle on this image. You did a good job capturing it. I also like the expression on the models face. Good job!
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