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Image Comments posted by gbgrubb


    Hello Gail. A wonderful image here. My personal taste would leave the stamen where it's at. It's perfect in composition. And again...the framing isn't overbaring on the image. I like this alot. Regards from Gary.

    Two Flowers

    Hello Bob. A teenager actually taking a picture with a camera...and not a cell phone? Great capture of a rare bird. The girl on the left has an expression that is captivated...and captivating. Cheers from Gary in Salt Lake City.


    Hello Bob. This is a great "street" image. Totally unposed and unexpected I'm sure. Your post-processing is perfect for this. Cheers from Gary in Salt Lake City.
  1. Hello Roberto. A very unique perspective in this image. Very nicely done. I can't think of anything that would make it better. 6/6 anon. Regards from Gary in Salt Lake City.

    Ripper Morning

    Hello Glen. This is a very lovely image. The lighting is wonderful on the rocks...and the shutter speed used is perfect for the surf. Regards from Gary in Salt Lake City. 6/6 anon
  2. Hello Mark. I feel your pain. This is a beautiful image. And yes, at monitor resolution it's hard for my eyes to detect the motion issues. But with it being such a lovely image have you considered or tried giving the foreground a painterly look in PS? I doubt that the wind is an issue in the background. In fact, because of the soft tones the background appears to have a slight painterly look to it already. Just a thought. I wouldn't give up on this image too easily. Regards from Gary in Salt Lake City

    Triest #4


    Another beautiful piece. You are so fortunate to not only have the skills you have...but also have the "old world" charm in your surroundings. Regards from Gary.



    Hello Mehmet. A lovely image you have here. The large tree against the sky is striking. Very serene and moody. Thank you for sharing it. Regards from Gary in Salt Lake City.

    Cypress Wind, 3

    Hello Kurt. I find this to be a very unique, nicely composed, and well exposed image. It appears that you put some work in to getting it. Regards from Gary in Salt Lake City.


    Hello Marta. This is a striking image that you've done here. The background tones are very complimentary to the subject. Tastefully done. Regards from Gary in Salt Lake City.
  3. Hello Tony. Whatever you did looks very nice. There is real depth in the rocks, forground to background. I also like the tan color tones in the forground rock and how they flow nicely with the tones in the water. Good job. Cheers from Gary.


    Hello Melissa. He may have run away quickly...but you captured his color beautifully. And he's tack-sharp to boot. Good work. Regards from Gary.


    Hello Edward. Being a bird photographer doesn't keep me from looking at "other" forms of photography every now and then. And this one of yours really caught my attention. The post processing is very nicely done on this fine image. And the model ain't to bad either. ;-) Cheers from Gary in Salt Lake City.

    Back To Front


    Hello Lawrence. Again, your post-processing amazes me. But you can't do something like this without having a marvelous image to begin with. Regards from Gary in Salt Lake City.


  4. Hello Tony. I don't know how I missed this one. It's beautiful. Trying to work full time...run my own household...stay in shape physically with my workouts...get out with the camera...process my images...try to squeeze in as much time as I can on photo.net...it's just hard to cover all the bases. I tried to rate this with a 6/7, but the system wouldn't allow it. Kind of a goofy rule in my opinion. So, although in your ratings you will see my 6/6 please know that it should be a 6/7. Regards from Gary in Salt Lake City.
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