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Posts posted by emmajanefalconer

  1. Good digital printers was what I was looking for. My inkjet is nowhere near up to scratch, I mainly use it for printing business receipts, worksheets for students (I teach English as a foreign language for the day job) and photocopying stuff. If I need quality stuff I prefer to outsource it.


    The thing with litho as well is that they usually ask for plate set up fees too, and I want to do lots of different designs, so it would cost me an absolute fortune up front.

  2. Heh, opposite way round, he was using mine for 2 years, until he was given a laptop!


    My boyfriends from deepest darkest Wiltshire, and I think he's still secretly a luddite at heart! He gets this painful puzzled look with computers sometimes! I showed him how to download tv shows though, he likes that. He asked me to explain Photoshop to him sometime, not looking forwards to that one ....

  3. Do you have problems with the male staff in camera shops treating you like a

    silly little girl who shouldn't be playing with big boy's toys? There's 2

    independent camera shops in my town, the first place have that attitude, and the

    second one has friendly, helpful (male) staff who treat you respectfully. Guess

    who gets my money!


    In approximately 2/3 of camera shops in both the UK and abroad I have been in,

    the staff have that bad attitude. My boyfriend noticed it without me saying

    anything. If I go in with him to a shop, the staff usually look at him and ask

    him questions and assume it's him buying something (he has no interest in

    photography!). If I specify what I'm looking for, sometimes they try to dissuade

    me that it's all too difficult for me, even though I know exactly what I want to

    buy. Sometimes they ignore me in favour of a man behind me in the queue, or slap

    my stuff down quickly in a surly manner so that they can continue to ignore me.


    Do any of the other female members here have the same problem?


    I worked in a (national chain) camera store as a student. When I was doing the

    training, they showed us some customer profiles who apparently summed up all

    their customers. There was Flash Harry, who was a man of around 25 with a good

    job who liked gadgets with good designs, he wanted an DSLR or a super-slim p&s.

    There was Roger the Hobbyist, who was 50 and was really interested in

    photography, all the filters and films and lenses in store were only of interest

    to him. And of course Maureen the Housewife, who knew nothing about photography

    and just wanted some photos of her kiddies, who should be fobbed off quickly

    with something pink, so you can turn your attention to the male customers who

    are the only people who spend a lot of money. If the official training is full

    of such sexist crap, what hope of getting good customer service, then?


    (I'm 23, young looking, female btw)

  4. I have Photoshop CS1, and a far more recent version of Elements. Elements has some good stuff, like the scribble select brush (you scribble with the paintbrush to create masks, good for things with subtle edges), but I use CS1 far more often, because my workflow tends to involve adjusting the individual curves on the colour channels, and the way Elements handles that drives me insane! I have the mac versions of both.
  5. I sell art prints online, and one of my customers has contacted me because she

    is interested in postcards of my work. I considered selling postcards before,

    but had difficulty finding anywhere. My options were either bad quality things

    not intended for professional use, or high quality ones that I had to order by

    the crate full. Can anyone recommend an online service that is high quality, and

    doesn't require large print runs? I want to trial selling the postcards (both

    online, and to galleries/shops) before ordering 3,000 of the things, strangely

    enough ...

  6. Perhaps it would be good to find an online shop service that integrates into your website for ordering the prints. A friend of mine who has a fashion business uses http://bigcartel.com/ and is very pleased with it, it's simple to set up, slots into the website well, and doesn't charge him fees.


    I really like your banner at the top, it's eyecatching. Could you think of any way to extend it across the width of the webpage- perhaps you could paint in some extra with photoshop at the edges?

  7. Also, something's gone wrong with the html for the designers banner at the bottom, some of it is coming out as text, rather than a graphic banner.


    From a graphic design perspective, I think you should move the Carden's Photography text at the top down about 1 inch, and add a stripe of the lighter olive behind it, up from the division line to just above the top of the text. This will tie things in a little more, I think.

  8. Found the filter at the back! It screws in in such a way that the writing on the edge is obscured, and I don't have the instruction book for the lens. Thanks for telling me, I might not have spotted it. Oddly enough, it isn't a ND, or even a polariser, it's just a bit of plain glass labelled "normal". How pointless! The size of the filter at the other end of mine is 82mm, even bigger. I might try combining it with a kaleidoscope filter, see if I can get something surreal ...
  9. Also, the emulsion inside the SX70 is a lot softer than that inside the 600, and for the first few minutes after the picture has appeared, you can use something like a biro or a screwdriver to squidge the emulsion round a bit, creating different lines and textures on the picture. A lot of people use it to create a sort of textured halo around objects photographed in front of a plain background. The streaks created look a lot like light on a photo.
  10. <center>

    Pictures taken with your 70s pentax?



    <a href=" whit 7.jpg title="whit 7.jpg by emmajanefalconer, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2074/2205255220_6648a6150f_o.jpg" width="506" height="345" alt="whit 7.jpg" /></a>


    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/emmafalconer/2307698379/" title="pier 7.jpg by emmajanefalconer, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2215/2307698379_bf441c4329_o.jpg" width="606" height="401" alt="pier 7.jpg" /></a>



    (both cross-processed 1st with kodak edupe that was about 8 years out of date rated at 25 asa, and the second with fuji sensia and a cheap hanimex wide-angle)

  11. I have so many stories about being the EOS 350D saleperson in a camera shop!

    Like the man who said he just wanted the body. I asked what lenses he already had, in case he needed an adaptor of some kind, and he replied "You don't need any lenses, they're just a marketing gimmick to get you to pay more money!"


    Also the many middle aged men who wanted it for holiday snaps that could be done with a disposable really, who panicked when allowed to have a play with the camera and all its confounding buttons, and then acted like I had insulted their manhood/penis size when I suggested getting used to a cheaper point and shoot first!

  12. I find it pretty cheap to use film- I have a nice film scanner (Canon 8600F), and I use cheap mail order developers for c41 (like truprint - ᆪ1 per roll!) because the negatives are the same wherever, and I don't care about the shit prints they give you, and b&w I develop at home.


    I can recommend the 8600F for anyone who wants a film scanner - it handles 120 film as well, and deals well with cross-processing.

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