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Image Comments posted by GerrySiegel

    Soldier - 29

    A well done tableau. Has the look of a simulation but a well done one. I am mixed about the value of the vignette, though I know you are partial to the effect. In this case, I would like to see the full frame and see which way I would go. My impressions for what they may be worth. A well fed, well scrubbed patrol and I h ope they get the belt loaded right. Best wishes, Line.
  1. I wonder if you sought that reddish tone on the model skin. It jumps out at me as a little too tungsten for the WB. I could be wrong. Defiinitely needs some highlights in dark hair...a reflector or spot is an idea. Kind of a brown mass as it is. good luck , good model, not an easy task to get it all perfecto..L0(

    Portrait 5863


    A rather pleasant casual portrait. I you are seeking ideas, I can only suggest a little white in the eyes would bring it to life. But is successful as is. Ziggy. Depends on how you see her and what you wanted to show about her personality. I think it works.

    Would do as part of a series even better. Maybe.

  2. Cigar prop is suggestive but fails to add an erotic element. I would suggest employ some other fuzzy dolls. Something to hug is not a bad idea. A thought if it works it works and if not it costs little. I used a plastic skull once and the model found it amusing. Skin tone seems kind of dark for her natual skin, something you need to be apprised of, Eye shadow pretty strong for glamor look IMO. Best wishes.


    A simple and rather charming figure study. But all the white glowing background is kind of blinding and could stand toning down. A slightly closer crop would help. Background vs Subject. Int his case the background is totally uninteresting though I am not against real life backgrounds, or neutral shade contrast...I hope this is constructive. And while we are at it, a reflector throwing some fill from front onto her face would not be bad either.

    Lovely, John. Ah to be nimble instead of just wise.... I have observed that the aristocratic look in neck is a defining feature in jewelry ads and the like. Your model has that swan like attribute. As to the lighting, you have mastered the glow for skin. And though wall is close, no shadow to distract. Good. The bent hand. interesting. Since the reverse form of fingers is feminine and the female can use it instead of or in lieu of a prop. ( Clearly a male could not use fingers in that fashion with orthopedic or behavioral therapy. I am still interested in male female poses is why I bring this to the comments. But bottom line, I love the model and admire the idea of her stance and balance. Likely can dance as well, am I right?

    I like the use of complimentary colors in a delicate way to draw contrast with the model glowing skin. Window light is always great. And unforced natural. A tribute to the genre.


    Young model agreeable to look at and you got her lit well enough. My nitpics would be the softness of the hands which in a torso pose are important to be sharp enough. Plus, many might agree with me that the vignetting does not add much to the overall quality. There is much to admire nonetheless. I do wish you well.


    Charming face shot. I would have played with the color palette a little. Methinks it is overly strong in yellow-green for skin color. I wish you well.

    Dale, monochrome says artistic these days. If one sees in color that is just amatoooor. I have commented on the subject, but we are stuck with the fashion here.


    Any explanation or crib sheet would help. Why do I bother about a seven element lens with super coating and a fast Venus engine. I use to have a great Argus C-3 and I gave it away. Rats!

    I always admire the rim lighting effect. Beyond that it has no emotional pull. I guess it could be a yoga pose but then the leotard is missing. Not bad, not much to ponder on that I can see. I think a POTW deserves something to chew on that I do not observe in the selection. To deserve POTW means more than dessert course is what I am thinking. Too bad.
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