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Image Comments posted by ronda

    Sparrow Dinner

    Jim I was so busy worrying about the fence I didn't even see that little branch duh I'll see what I can do. I'm not good with the clone tool but this gives me a perfect opportunity to practice.

    Sparrow Dinner

    Theodore, I agree I wish it was on a branch or something from nature but it wasn't so I took the shot. This was the first day that I had the 100-400 and I was surprised I got a shot this good as it was. Thank you for commenting.
  1. This is a really good photo the colors are good its sharp, I love those drops of water. I wonder what it would have looked like with just a tad bit croped off the top and about that much more left on the bottom of the photo?

    Beastly bug

    ooh it is scary looking. But it is clear and sharp the colors are good. I like how you composed it, the way you cut the legs off makes me wonder how long those legs are adds to the scary. Its a good photo.


    I came over to answer your question on my focus points and got drawn in to this photo. Wow its a good one I like it very much. Ya know thats a good question, I'm not sure about the focus points I was reading about them the other day and got side tracked, will have to pay attension to that I know I'm using at least some of them becouse they blink when its ready for me to finish pushing the shutter button. Thanks for the tip !


    Looks like you have style right here! This is a great capture. I mean it, I can hear this little girl giggling and I'm giggling with her.
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