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Posts posted by cigardoc

  1. <p>thanks for the replies. i realize there are many places to see in the UK and we can never hope to see everything, even on multiple visits. however, your replies have been helpful in obtaining somewhat of a perspective we don't have.<br>

    this is our first visit and we've actually trimmed the trip down a bit. we're basically going to take our time, see what we can, and go back another time to see some more. <br>

    again, thanks to all.</p>

  2. <p>hello,<br>

    i will be in the UK from may 23-29. We will be driving, hitting spots such as Canterbury, Dover, Sissinghurst, Salisbury, Glastonbury, Stonehenge, The Cotswolds, and, God willing some of the Brecon Beacons and St. David's. A bit of a whirlwind trip, although we will be staying for 3 days in Chipping Campden and doing a few day trips from there. I"ve searched the site for info, but now want to get some new info on best and/or favorite places for photos. <br>

    i'm shooting e-6 and my wife is shooting digital. we both like landscape and architecture, although will be visiting several gardens as well. thanks in advance for any and all suggestions and recommendations.<br>


  3. <p>thanks for the replies. i'm not developing my own film, presently, but plan on getting my darkroom back into shape after many, many years. i'm definitely looking for high contrast and low grain, although, as i mentioned in my first post, i'm not averse to the type of grain i see with tri-x. unfortunately, i realize that without control over the entire process, i'm doomed to get what's coming to me.</p>

    <p>oh, by the way, what is "LuckySHD"? i figure it has something to do with hand-held...</p>

  4. <p>i will be spending two days in downtown chicago in early january. i want to shoot b&w of buildings, river, lake, and combinations thereof, and am interested in what type of film you guys would use. i use a yashica 35mm slr and most likely a yashica 50/1.4 and 28/?. i'm interested in possibly doing some enlargements in the future.<br>

    while i'm not averse to using something like ilford fp4, i'm leaning toward tri-x, since i will be shooting hand-held and most likely in low lighting between buildings, and, of course it is winter. i realize grain will be an issue with tri-x, although it's grain is unique, and have thought about shooting at 200 or using the tri-x 320. thanks in advance for your suggestions.<br>


  5. <p>thanks for the replies. i agree that if not careful, i could spend a great majority of the time in the car. i think i will be flexible and monitor the leaf changes on the colorado.com website, and try to make last-minute adjustments where necessary. again, thanks.</p>
  6. <p>hi,<br>

    i'm preparing for a trip to colorado, from 30 sept. through 3 oct., basically 3 1/2 days of travel. i will be shooting color slides, yep, slides. this is my first time into this part of colorado and would enjoy some input from other photographers. <br>

    specifically, i want to know where you would head to if leaving from denver, with my limited time available, to get some great "fall color" landscapes. i'm not averse to any and all background mountains/buildings, etc. i know nobody knows exactly where and when the leaves will change the most or when and if and/or where the early snow might fall. i would like to know where you would go.<br>

    thanks for any and all advice.<br>


  7. <p>bruce,<br>

    thanks for the recommendation. i'm a bit clueless, for now, on lens boards, large format lenses, etc. but will obviously have to start learning if i want a large negative. i am operating under the assumption that, within reason, just about any lens will fit on these cameras with the correct lens boards, etc. again, thanks.</p>

  8. <p>thanks for the great replies and comments. i typically shoot 35 and 120. i am obviously clueless about camera movements and image circle considerations. this camera kind of fell into my hands, so to speak, and since i like large negs, i figure i should use it as an entry into the world of large format. again, thanks.</p>
  9. <p>i have recentlly acquired a crown graphic special. the lens is a schneider-kreuznach xenar 1:4.7/135 7301209. the shutter is the synchro-compur-p. i haven't run any film through it, yet, because i haven't figured out how, or even how to use it. i do have a manual. my question is about the lens. i know the schneider lenses are good, but is this a good one? i realize this camera was designed for press photography, but is this lens good or adequate for landscape? or is it better suited for general press photography usage? thanks</p>
  10. <p>hows about a koni-omega. there are many varieties, the later ones with interchangeable backs being the best. i'll try to list a few websites below that will guide you along. these are bricks. very heavy, but they were used by many wedding photogs and journalists, and, therefore, not unwieldly. the optics are superb, although you are limited in lenses. a 90, 58/60, 135? and 180, if i'm correct. supposedly, the 58/60mm is patterened after a zeiss distagon, if i'm using the correct terminology. they go for a song and a dance, several are listed on ebay as we speak. <br>

    some of the problems you may encounter are general overusage issues, frame spacing problems, and overusage issues, a few idiosyncratic issues with lens removal, and overusage issues. <br>

    all that being said, they are great cameras. greg weber of webercamera.com is the world's konica guru. he bought out konica. he does good and quick repair, which you should expect with any older camera.<br>

    here are the websites: <br>

    <a href="http://www.peterlanczak.de/koni_overview.htm">http://www.peterlanczak.de/koni_overview.htm</a><br>

    <a href="http://www.photoethnography.com/ClassicCameras/index-frameset.html?KoniOmegaRapidM.html~mainFrame">http://www.photoethnography.com/ClassicCameras/index-frameset.html?KoniOmegaRapidM.html~mainFrame</a><br>

    <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/KONI-OMEGA-Rapid-Medium-Format-Camera-Hexanon-5-6-60MM_W0QQitemZ220486274597QQcmdZViewItemQQptZFilm_Cameras?hash=item3356018e25&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14">http://cgi.ebay.com/KONI-OMEGA-Rapid-Medium-Format-Camera-Hexanon-5-6-60MM_W0QQitemZ220486274597QQcmdZViewItemQQptZFilm_Cameras?hash=item3356018e25&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14</a><br>

    hope this is helpful.<br>


  11. <p>Does anyone have any suggestions/tips, etc. regarding B&W photography in southern Utah. This is my first trip to Utah and this type of landscape. i'll be shooting landscapes with 35 and 120 film, and using orange-yellow, red and dark green filters where applicable, or rather when I think I need to, or not at all. I am open to suggestions, directives, admonitions, tips, specific locations, whatever that will be helpful. Thanks.</p>
  12. <p>thanks for the replies. i've shot some provia and turned out good. i'm a bit shy about using it or velvia, particularly the 50, with little or no experience, especially on a big trip. maybe 100 or 100f? i realize exposure has to spot on, but i read where some make a big deal about it and like anything else, some don't. that being said, i really do like the results i've seen with velvia. is it really all that difficult?<br>

    i agree with the polarizer, but i does make for some interesting <strong>dark blue </strong>skies at high altitudes.</p>

  13. <p>I will be in southern Utah during the last week in July. this is the first time in this part of the US. Flying into SLC on Sunday, traveling to Moab and area national parks and then via hwy 12 to Bryce and Zion, returning to SLC the next Saturday night. I will be in Moab Sun. pm through Tue. am. Enroute to Bryce on Tue. via Hwy 12, staying in Grand Staircase area Tue. pm thru Thurs. am. Staying in Zion Thurs. thru Sat. am. Arriving in SLC Sat. pm. Departing SLC Sun. am<br>

    I will be shooting exclusively 35mm and 120mm, color and b&w. The wifey will be shooting digital to save the day, if necessary. I am interested in landscape photography. My color film of choice will be primarily Ektar 100 film, with some UC400. My B&W film will most likely be Ilford Delta 100 or FP4. I have some Tri-x as well. My cameras will be:<br>

    Konica SLR with 28, 50, 135 and 200mm primes<br>

    Yashica SLR with Yashica ML 28, 35 and 50mm primes<br>

    Koni-Omega Press Camera with 60 and 90mm primes<br>

    Filters: Circular polarizers when needed for color. Orange-yellow as needed for B&W.<br>

    I am fairly comfortable with color, but very open to suggestions as to film choice(s), filter use, locations, etc., since I will be out there in the heat of summer with limited "golden hours".<br>

    I am not particularly comfortable, although not lost altogether, with B&W. I have shot B&W, but i typically seem to be a step or often a large jump from the results i'm looking for. I just want to do something different and hopefully artistic with this medium. I figure the large rock formations and canyons, etc. might be interesting with B&W, especially with good clouds. <br>

    I apologize for the painstaking details, but I thought it might help. Thanks for any and all suggestions and help.<br>


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