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Image Comments posted by wentbackward


    I like this image very much. For me, the books represent knowledge and the future. The cow represents the present and short past of the boy. The boy represents the tough decisions that we all must face many times during our lives, to move forward or are we content where we are. Thankyou for sharing this. I'm not sure there's much I could add by way of critique.


    Having lived in Viet Nam, I was instantly attracted to this. Absolutely gorgeous! The only small annoyance is that skirting board in the background, but it really is a superb image!
  1. I love this shot and the accompanying description. Many friends that visit me from "the west" have never seen whole food (most, not even a whole steamed fish) and eat nothing but processed junk. I only wish they could see this with my eyes. Here in HK I can visit my local market where the whole carcass is brought direct from the slaughter house and butchered right there in front of you, no refrigerators or freezers, nothing hidden from view, the head generally on display to show how fresh everything is, just simple whole food.


    If anyone should find this disgusting or aggressive, please be disgusted that you've reach such a state due to commercialism and mass production.

    Hunt Test Gunners


    Matt another great shot ... Great use of telephoto compression to make this look so incredibly close, but judging from your other shots, it is actually quite close anyway!!


    I'm sure being able to anticipate such a shot is something you have in common with the hunters!


    One thing I miss about living in the UK is that I could go out and buy a delicious freshly hunted bird for the Sunday roast, free of disease, antibiotics and steroids. I'm happy to see these birds are able to roam free and have a free life before coming to a natural end as dinner for another animal.


    This is educational for many people, who perhaps, have never even eaten a whole fish in their lives. People need to be more aware of where their food comes from and should demand it comes from areas as depicted above.


    - Paul



    Wow ... for pictures that tell a story ... what happened next ... this has it.


    You're eyes are straight in there, focused and the brain just kicks in because any second a shotgun could be pointing your way. There just no time to dwell on this image or take in any technical aspects about photography. It hits you and grabs you, you're eyes can't move from reflection of the end of the gun barrel and there's rush as your body prepares to peel away should it swing around.


    Do you shoot guns too? ... it must be hard to switch as with the camera you'll be pulling the trigger in exactly the places where you would not with a gun!! In this case, lucky for the guy, that you had a camera in your hand!!

    waters edge

    Great photo. The natural depth of field created by the fog (and your capture of it) is lovely. I love a rhythm to pictures and the colour of the boats, positioning, everything has this rhythm to it.


    Such a great moment, wonderful opportunity, but the reflections are just too distracting, the straight edges contrast so much against the cloud formations, especially the one on the right above the blue sky. It doesn't allow me to concentrate on the subject for more than a few moments before my eyes wander to it.

    Freesia Flower

    The way the main petal captures the light in that translucent manner certainly attracts attention to itself. From their I enjoyed wandering down the green steps of light and the overall ambience. The background is in fact quite interesting but certainly not intrusive until you mentioned it. Nor did I notice the petal pointing towards the viewer as out of focus. Clearly a craftsman of an art.

    a new day



    I don't quite know what to say about your art, such a different way of looking at things. Certainly not in any position to critique your photo's. Inspirational stuff. Thankyou very much for sharing.




    to her level really makes this shot. Just great. My wife says 'aaaaaawwwwww'. Great composition with the wide angle.



    "Night Move"


    What can I say, Wilson was the first photographer I 'favourited' and who led me to being subscribed to PN. I constantly send his compact camera images, such as this, to friends that ask what camera they should buy.


    My favourite part of this image is the way in which the drain is made integral to the building reflection.

    Pear - ing


    Quite impressed by the range of tones you capture and the contrast between them, how you've split in to three groups. Green fruits, skin tones and then the black/browns. I especially like the way you capture dark Asian hair against black backgrounds in a number of your shots.


    I always enjoy a rhythm to pictures and the girls body rhymes beautifully with the pear, great use of light! I think you got the perspective right on both, but perhaps he girl should have sat up a little for a deeper shadow in the centre of the lower back. This is minor really, it's something to do with the wiring in the brain that really distracts us from what you've done.


    Your chilli logo is a distraction in this one! The flash of red keeps drawing my eyes to it.

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