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Image Comments posted by neciphoto

    Model - Bia

    Thanks Ricardo and everyone, actually I spent the day taking shots of the red kites then I met her in a pub while having a couple of drinks with a friend we got talking about doing some for her portfolio she didn't like her photographer. I think she is very happy now. This shot was taken in the garden of the pub where we were. I don't charge her for the photos. She's a Brazilian beauty and I think she has what it takes to go far in modelling, Thanks again my best rgds.

    Model - Bia

    Thanks Carl for the great tip I agree. This was not a planned shot but I am arranging a more planned shoot for next time will give your tips a thought then, I thought the mood of the model was perfect at the time so I snapped away, something which is difficult to get right ( the models expressions) when you setup a planned shoot, cheers.


    Sepia type tones are nice, My only crit is the light is not so flattering and the blown highlight on the dress is distracting. Nice otherwise.
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