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Image Comments posted by neciphoto

  1. What a beauty Sumon the yellow contrasts wonderfully with the blue tones on the simple plain emptiness with a well chosen title. The child placed very well in the frame giving a fine composition. Rgds.
  2. Hi El Porte thanks for the warm welcome, it's a pleasure to see your wonderfull creative work, this works so well in B/W, a superb composition, nice contrast and a very well toned BW conversion. warm rgds.

    Red Kite fight


    I've taken a long break and I'm back :-) There's a lot of catching up!

    I had a fun weekend. The light was good, birds were active. I used the

    1dmk3 with a Canon 300mm f2.8LIS @3.5 I managed 2 decent shots of this

    moment I prefered to upload this as I liked the beak open on the bird

    to the right. I've been trying for over a year to achieve a shot like

    this with a group squabble this is near full frame, Please take a look

    at the large. Thanks for crits and rates.

    Hong Kong

    Thankyou so much everyone I really appretiate all the comments even the not so favourable ones. I am truely honoured to have been chosen for the POW on one of the leading photog crit sites I've ever used. I've tried photosig and treklens/treknature for about 2 years equally. This shot was taken in RAW and the levels adjusted to my taste. No composites or clever post process. It was originally post processed for a competitor crit site that I no longer take part in after joining photonet that only allowed smaller files so the compression and detail you may be used to seeing in my more recent shots is incomparable. I'm in the middle of moving home so I can't do much at the present moment to offer a return critique which I normally do. I do promise to return them when I've fully moved home and have setup my connection in my new home hopefully by the weekend. Thankyou again. Necip


    Hi Hil beautifull shot good POV and perfect light angle. The open beak suggesting singing is well timed. Good detail and focus. The large looks great! Rgds Necip
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