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Jenifer Selwa Photography

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Posts posted by Jenifer Selwa Photography

  1. This is a vignette, by way of feathering. Of course, there are 50 different ways to do the same function in PSCS, so here is how I do it:


    1. Select the area of your image inside the borders of your image using the marquee tool (top upper left of the toolbox), either rectangle or oval.

    2. Once the area is selected, go to the Select menu, and choose Feather. Then choose the number of pixels you want to feather in. For that heavy of a vignette, probably 200 to duplicate the effect you posted.

    3. Then go to Edit, and copy. Open a new file, the same size as the original, and make sure the background is white, then Edit menu, and paste.


    That's it! Let me know if you need any further help.

  2. I am looking to get a Pelican case for the back of our motorcycle (a

    Harley Sportster 883) to strap to the luggage rack. The size that

    seems to strike me as about right is the 1440. I want to be able to

    take my Canon DRebel body (and grip if I can swing it), 24-135 zoom

    (77mm size), a 200/2.8 prime (72mm size) and a 1.4x converter if I

    can get it in. I have never owned one and am not sure how much I can

    fit in one. Can anyone make any suggestions?


    I would also like to take a tripod on the motorcycle but my Bogen

    won't fit. I have a Slik monopod but would rather get a shorter non-

    tabletop tripod to strap on. I'm looking for ideas for a short (17

    inches or less folded) medium duty, inexpensive tripod.

  3. I'm shooting an Ikonta A 6x4.5 that I picked up off eB*y for $35, original everything, never had an overhall, and have had several rolls of Velvia and Provia through it with incredible results:


    <p><a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/2315427">Example 1</a></p>


    <p><a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/2434879">Example 2</a></p>


    I also just stumbled across my GG-Uncle's old Contessa with the Tessar 50/2.8 in it. Other than a sticky shutter every once in awhile, which might improve with use, I'm anxious to run some film through it to see what I get...

  4. I am looking to sell several lighthouse images in small giftshops. I

    am working with my uncle who owns such a store. He suggested laser

    etching the name of the lighthouse into the top matteboard piece

    directly below the image. Does anyone know how I might go about

    accomplishing something like this or a similar application of

    putting the print title onto the matteboard (without handwriting


  5. Something else to keep in mind...you may need to lower the height of your umbrellas based on where your subject is located. They look like they are pretty high up and may need to be lowered.


    Cheap backgrounds - check out your local fabric store, like JoAnns or Hancock Fabrics. I am using a 5x9 piece of slate blue suede that I got for $35.00. Muslin is also cheap. Make sure to get the 108 inches wide stuff and then you can use Rit-Dye to color it whatever color you wish. You want to make sure you have enough length in fabric to spread onto the floor if you are not using a stand for your subjects.


    You can also make an inexpensive baby prop out of wood - stop in any local portrait studio in your hometown and you can see how they are designed. Then you can use your baby as practice...and lots of fun you will have! My daughter, who is almost three, has been my guinea pig since she was two weeks old. However, since she learned to walk, she has a tendency to wander off my backdrop...

  6. I am using the DRebel in my studio with 42 inch umbrellas and two Britek monolights. Use an item called a "Wein Safe-Sync" which mounts on your hotshow and then you can plug in any standard sync cord to your lightstand. This item also regulates the voltage from the lights so you won't short your camera out should the lights put out too much voltage or overload for some strange reason. They are around $40. I like umbrellas because they are easier to take up and down, store easily in the closet, and are completely portable to take on location. Take a look at some of the studio images under my portraits folder and in my wedding folder for some examples.
  7. I am looking into having some older negatives scanned to a CD. They

    are already starting to fade with age (10-12 year old Kodak Gold

    100). I have got two 18 gallon Rubbermaid totes full of negatives

    and prints, so I'm talking a quantity I don't want to do myself. I

    checked Walmart and they want $3.48 per CD for 12 images and then 29

    cents per image - up to 100 images on a CD, that's $29.00! I can't

    afford that for the quantity I have. Anyone have any idea if there

    is another lab that might be cheaper? I know the Frontier only scans

    at 300DPI and 1700x1100 pixels that yield around 1MB images, which

    is fine. I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks...

  8. I just bought the 555 and I decided to use it with the new Strobofrane RL pro bracket and my Elan 7. You can get the adapter for handle flash with it - got the whole thing at Adorama for $129. You will most likely need an anti-twist plate (best thing ever invented!) for your camera specific model. It makes for a heavy setup, but with a comfy strap you can brace it around your neck. I just shot a wedding a couple weeks ago with it and was pretty happy with the results.
  9. I have thought about pursuing the stock photography end of things

    and trying to get some of my images on postcards, calenders,

    greeting cards, and such. I also know it is a extremely competitive

    market. Can anyone perhaps tell me about their experiences with such

    things, or point me in the right direction to a reputable agency, or

    businesses that are accepting submissions for such items?

  10. Ken, the Pro-Rl does indeed have a tilt. What would using this have done? Would I have lost the top edge? I seem to be having a vignette only with the bottom corners. I am also not sure what a wide angle adapter looks like or what it's functionality is. Can anyone show me an image of one?
  11. Beau, thanks for responding. The flash was running on a standard sync cord, set to the ISO I needed and the camera was in manual mode at 1/60 F11. There is no zoom head on the flash but it is TTL when you set the F stop and ISO on it. I have this same effect on a few other images - it's not bad, but something I want to be aware of for future weddings. I was rather pleased when I saw it myself! :)
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