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Image Comments posted by kristin.marvin



    So I had this in my "Animals" portfolio previously, and I just got

    Photoshop and am using this image to learn. I think this one looks

    pretty good. Any other suggestions on improvements? I left the

    original photo in my portfolio for now if you want to compare. Any

    suggestions would be much appreciated.



    Bull Elephant


    I like this very much. Good composition- I like how you have cropped close to the face. The gray of the elephant's skin makes his eyes stand out.


    PS- While I was looking at this, I looked at the rest of your profile. You do great work. You have very nice animal shots, and your inside-the-surf picture is incredible. I couldn't stop staring at it. :)

    pent up energy


    After lying peacefully in the grass when I first went up to his

    exhibit, he soon jumped up and started sharpening his claws. My first

    pics of him look cute and cuddly, but this one shows a glimpse of his


  1. These little guys were eating a snack at the National Zoo. Their

    enclosure is behind glass, of course, so it didn't turn out as well as

    I'd liked. Any tips for shooting beyond glass without loosing

    sharpness? I did like the colors on these guys, and they are very

    animated. My daughters loved watching them play with (fight over?)

    the fruit.



    At the Maryland Renaissance Fair there was a violin group playing, and

    the marionette master came out of his shop with this little goat

    puppet and made it dance. He was very skilled- the little goat looked

    very lifelike, as he controlled the ears, tail, head and legs

    independently. My girls were just tickled by the dancing. One of the

    violinists came over and started playing the goat-hearder song from

    The Sound of Music and was dancing with the goat when I took this photo.

  2. Thank you for your comments. I definitely need to work on my fill flash- one disadvantage of the beach on a bright, sunny day is that I couldn't see the images on my screen so I had to try and take good shots and hope for the best. I am happy with the way it came out and appreciate your comments. :)


    I agree- I don't know why the photo is so large- I reduced it the same way I reduced all my pictures for this site. :/

  3. My friends Angel and Steve got engaged recently and asked if I could

    take some photos of them. Here they are at a local beach.


    All comments/critiques very much appreciated. Looking to improve, of

    course! Thanks so much!


    I like the color version better. The black and white here just doesn't look right. The color photo is more appealing. The colors of her pants and shirt against the green leaves makes for a nicer photo, IMHO. Which is weird, because i usually prefer the B&W. Great photo though, in either version. :)

    I'm gonna get wet!

    Thank you so much for your comments! I am still new at this, just trying to learn how to avoid mere "snapshots"- glad to see that all my practice is amounting to something! :)


    I like it alot... i like the little boat, the reflection. Also I like how, with the fog, it's hard to tell where the water ends and the sky begins. Very serene. I also like the fence/bridge in the background- it gives depth.

    Dying in Spring


    Any insight would be appreciated! Still new at this, but hopefully

    getting the hang of it. At least flowers/plants don't run around or

    get figity when I have to adjust camera settings!

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