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Posts posted by benhai_zhang1

  1. <p>Finally I got the Pentax K-x. Sorry I didn't jump into the 4/3. E-620's action speed(maybe caused by slow AF. I guess E-30 is about similar and E-3 is too expensive. ) stopped me acquire an Olympus. For me, from size and price point of view 4/3 still behind Pentax. I think there are many MF pentax lens I can play around for cheap.<br>

    Thanks for all of the good advices I got here.<br>


  2. <p>I just tried a e-620 at a local store. I feel that the shutter is not quite responsive and the shot to shot delay is quite big to me. Maybe e-620 is just like this? I'd consider e-30 or e-3? But they are more expensive. I'd rather spend money on lenses.</p>

    <p>I also tried Nikon D90, Canon T2i and Pentax K-x. Seems all are very snappy though they are a little bit bigger and heavier. Currently I like the pentax. I used to be a penatx user in film age. I aslo like the panasonic G1 series camera though they are not quite snappy yet.</p>

    <p>How do you guys think the pentax k-x over four/third?</p>


  3. <p>I see that Olympus has E-30 and E-620. They should be lighter and cheaper then E-3?</p>

    <p>I noticed that there are regular four-third and micro four-third. Which is the way to go?</p>

    <p>Panasonic has a GH1 with 14-140mm lens for video. Is it a good one lens solution for both video and photo?</p>

  4. <p>Hi Friends:<br>

    My Nikon gear just got stolen 2 month ago. I'm considering switch to Four-Third system this year. I'd like to get some opinions from you guys. <br>

    1. Can image quality match Nikon (like D70) with Nikon prime lens?<br>

    2. How much shutter lag and auto focus lag compared to Nikon body with prime lens? (I mostly shoot my kids.)<br>

    3. Are there good flashes to choose?<br>

    4. Which system to go? Panasonic or Olympus?<br>

    5. Can I use old manual focus lens on Four -Third?<br>

    6. For manual focus which body is better?<br>




  5. <p>This triggers me something about identity theft. My stuff got stolen after I ordered the 50-135mm lens from ebay. Before that there was a hacker that intrude my companies intranet, as a result they got my ebay username and password from my office. It spend me lots of time to clear my ebay account and bank account. I'd guess the thief somehow got my recent ebay buying list and then directly go to my house and grab the camera and lens away. This could explain why they only took away my photo gear but not other stuff!<br /> Anyway, I'm closing the ebay and paypal account. Very sad to think that ebay is becoming a thief's tool.</p>
  6. <p>Thanks for the inputs. Definitely I'd put security lights and maybe install a security system. My stuff didn't worth too much, around $1000. I get them used from local and ebay. Oh, the flash I bought new. I'd also check the equipment history in the future. Based on current economy situation, I'd not buy new equipment before the economy getting better.</p>

    <p>After so many years my equipments are sentimental. I'd still miss them for a while.</p>


  7. <p>I have insurance but if I claim they will increase my premium for 3 years. I also have to pay deductible, so there is no savings there. This thief is professional. The police can't find any sign of break through but my son found out the outside handle of sliding door is broken one day later. They only grab the camera and even didn't touch the camcorders and cashes in wallet.</p>

    <p>Like you said this is a perfect opportunity to start over. </p>


  8. <p>Last Saturday, a thief stolen my camera, flash and 3 lenses from my house. It used to be quite safe in the past. I checked crimereports.com and seems thefts are everywhere recently. I live in California. My friend told me that California released lots of small criminals. Plus the high jobless rate.</p>

    <p>So what to do in such a situation? My wife doesn't want me to buy another DSLR. She thought that's luxury form a thief's point of view. So bad! This depression really touches everybody.</p>


  9. <p>My Nikkor 50-135mm f3.5 arrived several days ago. I am totally amazed by this lens now! Super sharp (I can do hair count), No flare, no haze, no noticeable distortion. Huge range for adjustments in PS. Under exposured 2 EV, no problem in PS. Maybe my sample happened to be in top notch! The one ring zoom and focus is quite easy to use. My zoom ring doesn't slide. I'd say the macro mode is not quite good. Colors are more plain then vivid.</p>

    <p>I'm using it on D70 so that I have to have a first guess shot and then use the histogram to adjust. So far everything works perfectly. I'm very happy now. Alone with a nikkor 28mm f3.5 and the 10-70mm AF, I'm pretty much covered for my need. Now the 28mm/f3.5 and this 50-135mm/f3.5 are the most used lens on my camera. The 18-70mm serves as a P&S camera for my wife now. With the use of MF lens I can control the focus point again. Do you have the experience that you want to focus on the eyes but the AF focus on the nose ^_^. Now this issues is totally gone. The price I paid is slower focus speed. Another advantage is action speed, the shutter will fire no matter you are focused or not. I also learned to predict. I'm pretty sure my eyes are sharper then before. What fun here with those MF lens!I'm kind of remembering that in the 80's, many people are doing MF.</p>



  10. <p>Just won a sample from ebay for $165. It looks like brand new. Not sure what the actual condition would be when it arrives. I'm so anxious to see and try it out. I bought it because I can't afford it when I was a little kid. At that time owning such a lens can be considered rich and professional. I think now it may represent I'm still poor after so many years^_^.</p>
  11. <p>This lens is clean. I can get very sharp images when hold it steady. You can see it from the kid shot. It must be my hands shaking. I used to body heavier and lens lighter. Now it is lens heavier and body lighter. I'm sure once I used to it, it will produce sharper images. So far I'm happy with this lens. Wish I can have more time to play with it.</p>

    <p>Anyhow I use Nikkor 50mm f1.8 AF much more then others. It's light and can get sharp and vivid results instantly.</p>


  12. <p>Bill,<br>

    I'd check why my picture quality is not as good as yours. I can get better quality pictures with 28mm prime lens. I'd guess the weight of this Tokina disturbs my ability to hold the camera steady enough. A tripod would check that out ^_^.</p>



  13. <p>Hi William:</p>

    <p>I found this Tokina is a well performer. The most thing that astonished me is that there is no noticeble distortion in my eyes. The sharpness is OK. It can't beat Nikon. Color seems quite different with Nikon. Compare to Nikon 28mm F3.5, Tokina 24-40mm is huge and too heavy. I think I can keep either one of it. :)</p>

  14. <p>Hi William:</p>

    <p>I found this Tokina is a well performer. The most thing that astonished me is that there is no noticeble distortion in my eyes. The sharpness is OK. It can't beat Nikon. Color seems quite different with Nikon. Compare to Nikon 28mm F3.5, Tokina 24-40mm is huge and too heavy. I think I can keep either one of it. :)</p>

  15. <p>Maybe I am an equipment lover rather than a photographer. It is fun to play around and trying to get something better through many different ways.</p>

    <p>It seems that the cheap way to get better quality of equipment is go with the old MF Nikkor prime lens. There will be many pain when shooting under Manual mode on non-professional bodies. But that's the fun part. I'm going this way to satify myself now.</p>

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