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Image Comments posted by raindogsphoto

    Lost In Thought


    Great start and welcome-I tend to agree in regard to some closer cropping, and have attached an example-sometimes it's just easier to see-also take a look at my notes on Ben Broersen's 'Pien-2' http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=7250419 regarding intimacy and its attachment as well. Some of these lighting issues can of course be compensated for with very simple and inexpensive software (also refer to attachment) but only to a point before sacrificing some integrity-technology can't change everything and taken too far can turn toward the tacky, I think you'll agree. I only switched the image over to sepia tones to simplify these aspects of the editing. A fair haired pooch such as this may better benefit from a darker space in the background and lighter tones up front. Hope this is any help?! Keep clicking-hope to see more from you again soon!






    -again, a wonderfully executed capture; how about this one in B&W (see attachment) drawing away some of the distraction created by the colors of the measuring posts, or even cropping them out a bit, or the dog itself more vertically? -just some thoughts... Oh, and thanks for visiting my gallery!



    Oh-now that's just a little bit shameful!? ;-) I too have had many an opportunity to snap a very similar embarassing moment-but I just can't bring myself to do it, I mean, put yourself in their 'shoes'-they have a surprising amount of vanity too. Still-good for you for having the nerve to take advantage of this moment (perhaps the only time your puppy sits still) I do like the overall composition, the open space of both the foreground and beyond really draws the veiwer in to see what's going on, and where that little dog is looking off to!?! Really enjoyed your 'Waiting for the tip' and 'Suelas' pieces too-thank you!


    Fantastically captured and really well delivered-as well as being all too easy to relate to! Great job & thank you! :-)


    It's practically a portrait-but of who exactly remains unclear?! Compelling and captivating-wonderfully good work! Thank you :-)


    A wonderful moment and a great capture-the contrast of between mother and child makes it even more captivating! Perhaps that contrast could be accentuated slightly, and the cropping loosened up-but overall I'm in love with it already-thanks for sharing!


    -I am captivated by the superb nature of this capture, although I too find the sign to be quite a distraction and seemingly unnecessary, the horizon doesn't take away my from my notice of the moment so much; mostly, I think it's just great-good job! :-)
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